Fugitive Johann Steynberg arrested using a new identity

by | Jan 13, 2022 | Anonymous Living, Anonymous Travel, Fugitive, New Identity

International Hunt for Johann Steynberg: The Fall of Mirror Trading International

The Rise and Fall of Mirror Trading International


Mirror Trading International (MTI), once a prominent name in the cryptocurrency world, left a trail of financial devastation. Johann Steynberg founded MTI, promising high returns through Bitcoin trading and attracting investors worldwide. However, behind the scenes, he ran a sophisticated Ponzi scheme, siphoning off millions in investor funds.

The Man Behind the Scheme: Johann Steynberg

Early Life and Career

Johann Steynberg’s journey into finance and cryptocurrency began in South Africa. Little is known about his early life, but he emerged as a tech-savvy entrepreneur interested in Bitcoin and blockchain technology. Steynberg’s technical skills and charismatic personality helped him gain investors’ trust, paving the way for the creation of MTI.

Creation of Mirror Trading International

Steynberg launched MTI in 2019, marketing it as a legitimate Bitcoin trading platform using sophisticated algorithms to generate high returns. He promised investors daily profits, and the platform quickly gained popularity. By leveraging social media and online marketing, Steynberg attracted a global investor base, amassing billions in Bitcoin.

The Scheme Unravels

Despite promises of high returns, MTI operated as a classic Ponzi scheme. Steynberg paid early investors with funds from new investors, creating an illusion of profitability. However, as more people joined and new investments slowed, the scheme became unsustainable. By the end of 2020, reports of withdrawal issues and delayed payments began to surface, raising red flags among investors and authorities.

The Arrest of Johann Steynberg

Operation and Capture

The international hunt for Steynberg ended with his arrest in Brazil. Captain Jonathan Andrade from Giro, a specialized military police unit in the Brazilian state of Goiás, provided details of the arrest operation. Following a tip-off about a foreigner using a fake ID, Giro placed Steynberg under close surveillance. For several weeks, the police monitored his movements, collecting evidence and confirming his identity.

The Surveillance Operation

Investigators meticulously tracked Steynberg’s daily routine. They observed him frequently visiting high-end restaurants and exclusive clubs in Goiânia, starkly contrasting his initial low-profile existence in a modest São Paulo hotel. Giro’s operatives noted his interactions, lifestyle, and the people he met, building a comprehensive picture of his life under a false identity.

Coordination with the Brazilian Federal Police

Once Giro gathered sufficient intelligence, they coordinated with the Brazilian Federal Police. The involvement of the Federal Police was crucial due to the international nature of the case and the need for a high-profile arrest to be handled with precision. On December 29, 2021, in a well-coordinated joint operation with Interpol, the authorities moved in to arrest Steynberg.

The Arrest

The operation was swift and precise. Authorities apprehended Steynberg at a luxury apartment in Goiânia, where he stayed with his girlfriend. When officers approached him, Steynberg attempted to present his new identity documents. However, the authorities already knew his true identity.

Seizure of Assets

During the arrest, authorities conducted a thorough search of Steynberg’s residence. They seized two laptops, a cell phone, six credit cards, and additional identity documents, all under his assumed identity. These items are now crucial pieces of evidence in the investigation. Captain Andrade highlighted that Steynberg’s possession of multiple identity documents indicated a well-planned strategy to evade capture and continue his fraudulent activities.

International Reaction

Steynberg’s arrest quickly garnered international attention. Given MTI’s global impact, news of his capture was met with relief by the numerous victims and law enforcement agencies worldwide. The FBI and Interpol, actively involved in the hunt, commended the Brazilian authorities for their successful operation.

Immediate Aftermath

Following the arrest, authorities took Steynberg to the Federal Police Station for processing. The Brazilian authorities immediately contacted international bodies, including the FBI, to update them on the arrest. The coordination between these agencies highlighted the importance of international cooperation in tackling complex financial crimes.

The Cryptocurrency Scam of 2020

The Scale of the Fraud

  • Largest Cryptocurrency Scam of 2020: Chainalysis identified MTI as the most prominent cryptocurrency scam of the year.
  • Estimated Bitcoin Involved: MTI handled approximately 29,421.03379 bitcoins.
  • Current Value: At current exchange rates, the bitcoins’ value is around R19.7 billion.
  • Global Investor Base: MTI attracted investors worldwide, leveraging social media and online marketing.
  • The promise of High Returns: Steynberg lured investors with promises of daily profits, contributing to the scheme’s rapid growth.
  • Ponzi Scheme Mechanism: Steynberg paid early investors with funds from new investors, creating an illusion of profitability.
  • Withdrawal Issues: As the scheme began to unravel, investors faced difficulties withdrawing their funds, which raised suspicions and led to investigations.
  • Reported to Authorities: Complaints and reports from affected investors prompted law enforcement agencies to take action, eventually leading to Steynberg’s capture.

Impact on Victims

MTI’s collapse left countless victims in financial ruin. Investors, lured by promises of significant returns, lost substantial sums of money. Many are still grappling with the fallout, seeking legal recourse and hoping for some recovery of their investments. The case highlighted the need for increased scrutiny and regulation in the cryptocurrency sector to protect investors from similar schemes.

Hidden Assets and Lavish Lifestyle

Discovery of Assets

Investigations into Steynberg’s activities uncovered a network of hidden assets. He allegedly owned multiple high-value items, including a private jet and imported cars registered under various false identities. These assets will be crucial in the ongoing Federal Police investigation. Andrade confirmed that sources linked these assets to Steynberg, further demonstrating the scale of his fraudulent activities.

Steinberg’s Double Life

Despite living a luxurious lifestyle in Brazil, Steynberg left behind a family in South Africa. His wife and child in Polokwane have been living with the aftermath of his sudden disappearance in December 2020. Steynberg’s ability to maintain multiple identities and assets across different countries highlights the sophistication of his evasion tactics.

International Cooperation and Extradition Process

Coordinated Efforts

After Steynberg’s arrest, authorities transported him to the Federal Police Station. Brazilian authorities have contacted international bodies, including the FBI, to facilitate the legal process. Steynberg will face charges in Brazil for using false documents. However, his deportation to South Africa is likely to proceed without a full extradition hearing, expediting his return to face justice for his crimes.

Future Legal Proceedings

Steynberg’s extradition to South Africa will begin a lengthy legal process. Authorities must unravel the complex web of fraudulent activities and hidden assets. MTI victims will be watching closely, hoping for restitution and justice.


Steynberg’s arrest marks a significant victory in the fight against financial fraud. The coordinated efforts of international law enforcement agencies underscore the importance of global cooperation in tracking down fugitives and holding them accountable. As the investigation continues, Amicus International Consulting will provide updates on the case, reinforcing its commitment to transparency and justice in the financial world.

The MTI saga is a stark reminder of the risks associated with unregulated financial schemes and the need for vigilant oversight in the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency landscape.

If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.