Ways To Create A New Identity

by | Aug 23, 2022 | Anonymous Living, Anonymous Travel, New Identity | 1 comment

Different Ways to Create a New Identity


When managing your identity, you can start anew, remain anonymous, and even change your social security number. Let’s explore the benefits and drawbacks of each option and what to expect from your new identity.

Advantages of Buying a New Identity

Purchasing a new identity offers numerous benefits for individuals and organizations. Here are some key reasons to consider buying a new identity:

Increased Safety and Security

Adopting a new identity provides heightened security and privacy. By changing your identity, you can better protect your personal information online. This ensures your anonymity in various situations.

Connection to New Networks and Opportunities

A new identity opens doors to opportunities that were previously out of reach. This includes job prospects, networking with professionals, and accessing resources unavailable if your true identity were known. You expand your professional and personal horizons.

Access to Various Resources

With a new identity, you tap into resources and opportunities that were previously inaccessible. This includes financial resources, educational opportunities, and other valuable career or personal growth assets. A new identity significantly enhances your life prospects.

Forms of Identification for a New Identity

When assuming a new identity, you can utilize various forms of identification. Common forms include driver’s licenses, passports, and social security cards. Additionally, you can use national identification cards from countries like China or Mexico. Birth certificates, religious documents, and citizenship papers can also construct new identities.

Legal New Identity vs. Fake or Counterfeit Identity

Creating a new identity can be done legally or illegally, with significant differences in the process and consequences.

Legal New Identity

A legal new identity involves changing your name and identity through official channels. This may include:

Name Change: You can legally change your name through a court process. This involves submitting a petition, paying a fee, and sometimes publishing a name change notice.

Witness Protection Programs: Individuals who testify against criminals may receive a new identity from law enforcement agencies.

New Citizenship: Acquiring citizenship in a new country can sometimes involve changing your identity, especially if you take on a new name.

Advantages of a Legal New Identity

Legitimacy: All government and private entities recognize a new legal identity.

Reduced Risk: There is no risk of legal penalties for identity fraud.

Stability: A legal identity change is permanent and stable, without the need to constantly evade detection.

Fake or Counterfeit Identity

In contrast, a fake or counterfeit identity involves creating or purchasing forged documents that claim a new identity. This can include:

Fake IDs: These can be purchased through illegal channels and used to assume a new name and identity.

Counterfeit Documents include forged passports, birth certificates, and social security cards.

Legal Ramifications of a Fake Identity

Criminal Charges: Using fake or counterfeit documents is illegal and can result in serious criminal charges, including identity fraud, forgery, and impersonation.

Imprisonment: Convictions for using a fake identity can lead to significant prison time.

Fines: Legal penalties often include hefty fines.

Deportation: If you’re caught using a fake identity in a foreign country, you may face deportation and a ban on re-entering.

Detailed Case Studies

Case Study: Kim Jong-Nam

Kim Jong-Nam, the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, used multiple identities to travel and live abroad. Here’s how he managed to stay under the radar:

Multiple Passports: Jong-nam carried several passports under different names, including passports from other countries. This allowed him to travel internationally without raising suspicion.

Alias Usage: He used various aliases to book flights, stay in hotels, and conduct daily activities, making it difficult for authorities to track his movements.

Safe Havens: Jong-nam frequently travelled to countries known for less stringent entry and exit controls, such as China and Malaysia. These countries offered him anonymity and safety.

Avoiding High-Risk Areas: He avoided countries with strong ties to North Korea, where he would be easily recognized or reported. Instead, he stayed in countries where he could blend in more easily.

Cash Transactions: Jong-nam often used cash for transactions to minimize the digital footprint, further reducing the chances of being tracked.

His story highlights using multiple new identities for safe disappearance and maintaining anonymity.

Case Study: Richard Lee McNair

Richard Lee McNair, a prisoner, is renowned for his remarkable escapes from prison and his use of multiple identities to evade capture. Here’s how he managed to stay on the run:

Multiple Escapes: McNair first escaped from a North Dakota jail in 1987 using lip balm to slip out his handcuffs. In 1992, he escaped again from a county jail by crawling through a ventilation duct. His most famous escape occurred in 2006 when he mailed himself out of a maximum-security prison in a makeshift “escape pod.”

Forged Documents: McNair forged documents such as driver’s licenses and birth certificates to create new identities. These fake identities allowed him to blend into different communities.

Alias Usage: McNair used various aliases to secure jobs, rent apartments, and conduct daily activities, making it challenging for authorities to track his whereabouts.

Crossing Borders: McNair frequently crossed state and international borders, using his forged documents to avoid detection. He travelled through the United States and Canada, where he was captured.

Maintaining a Low Profile: McNair avoided using credit cards, bank accounts, or any other means that could be traced back to him. Instead, he relied on cash transactions to maintain his anonymity.

His case exemplifies how new identity creation, through legal and illegal means, can aid in disappearing and evading capture.

Case Study: El Chapo’s Sons

The sons of the infamous drug lord El Chapo, Iván Archivaldo and Jesús Alfredo Guzmán, have been known to use new identities to continue their operations. They frequently change their identities to avoid law enforcement and maintain illicit activities. This case illustrates how fugitives use new identities to protect themselves and operate under the radar.


Creating a new identity is challenging, but it can be achieved effectively with the proper methods and resources. A new identity can provide increased security, access to new opportunities, and anonymity for professional or personal reasons.

You can better navigate the complexities of identity change and protection by understanding the various ways to create and maintain a new identity and learning from the detailed case studies of those who have successfully disappeared. Remember, legal avenues offer the most stability and security, while illegal methods, though sometimes effective, carry significant risks and consequences.

For those seeking to disappear legally and safely, a thorough understanding of the process and careful planning

If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.