The easiest Citizenships where you can get a New Identity

by | Feb 3, 2022 | Anonymous Living, Anonymous Travel, New Identity | 2 comments

The Easiest Citizenships Where You Can Get a New Identity

Are you trying to find the most accessible country for citizenship and a new identity? For those seeking an identity change, the proper to citizenship can offer identity protection and a chance to disappear legally. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the easiest countries to obtain citizenship, discuss how to create a new identity and provide case studies to illustrate the process.

Understanding Dual Citizenship and New Identities

Dual citizenship allows you to become a citizen of two or more countries simultaneously. While not all countries allow dual citizenship, many do, including the USA, Canada, and the UK. Countries like Germany, Panama, and Singapore have grey areas where dual citizenship is not officially allowed but is often practiced.

Acquiring a new identity is a different process. It requires specialized knowledge and connections, which organizations like Amicus International can provide. Here are four primary ways to obtain second citizenship:

  1. Ancestry
  2. Naturalization
  3. Marriage
  4. Investment

Citizenship by Ancestry

If you have ancestors from countries like Poland, Italy, or Ireland, you can often obtain a second passport by proving your lineage. This method is prevalent in Europe. For instance, Lithuania, Ireland, and Italy allow you to claim citizenship through grandparents or great-grandparents. This process is usually free and relatively quick.

Citizenship by Naturalization

Naturalization involves living in a country for several years as a permanent resident before applying for citizenship. Requirements vary, but some countries, like Paraguay and Armenia, allow citizenship after three years. Panama offers the “Friendly Nations Visa,” where you can establish residency by setting up a local company and opening a bank account. After five years, you can apply for naturalization.

Citizenship by Marriage

Marrying a citizen can also lead to citizenship, but this method has risks. Sham marriages can result in legal troubles and potential extortion. Countries like Canada, Ireland, and the USA offer citizenship to spouses of their citizens.

Citizenship by Investment

Many countries offer citizenship by investment (CBI), where you can obtain a passport by making a financial contribution. The Caribbean nations are mainly known for this. For example, Dominica and Vanuatu offer citizenship in exchange for real estate investments or donations. Processing times can be as short as three to six months.

Case Studies: Real-Life Examples

Case Study 1: Ancestral Citizenship in Italy

John’s grandparents were born in Italy. By proving his lineage, he obtained Italian citizenship within a year. This new identity allowed him to move freely within the EU and offered him a fresh start.

Case Study 2: Naturalization in Paraguay

Lisa wanted a quick path to a new identity. She chose Paraguay, where she deposited USD 500,000 in a local bank. After three years of residency, she became a citizen, which gave her visa-free access to 143 countries.

Case Study 3: Investment in Dominica

Michael invested USD 500,000 in Dominica’s economic diversification fund. Within six months, he obtained a new passport. This new identity gave him visa-free travel to 139 countries and a new financial life.

Benefits of Dual Citizenship and New Identities

Dual citizenship offers numerous benefits:

  • Better Quality of Life: Many countries with easy citizenship options offer high-quality healthcare, education, and beautiful living environments.
  • Increased Freedom of Movement: A second passport can provide visa-free travel to many countries.
  • Tax Optimization: Some countries with dual citizenship programs offer low or no taxes.
  • Plan B: Having a second passport can be a backup plan during political or economic instability.
  • Investment Opportunities: Dual citizenship can open up new business and investment opportunities.

Easiest Countries to Get Citizenship

Ireland: Ancestry and Naturalization

You can obtain citizenship through the Foreign Birth Register if you have Irish ancestry. Without ancestry, you can still naturalize after five years of residency. Ireland’s passport allows you to live and work in the EU.

Portugal: Online Worker Visa

Portugal offers a straightforward path to citizenship through its Online Worker Visa. After five years of residency, you can apply for citizenship. Portugal also has a Golden Visa program for wealthier individuals, requiring an investment of 650,000-900,000 EUR.

Paraguay: Easy Naturalization

Paraguay offers one of the quickest paths to citizenship in South America. You can become a citizen in just three years by maintaining a USD 500,000 bank deposit and spending 183 days per year in the country.

Armenia: Investment-Based Residency

Armenia offers citizenship after three years of residency, which can be obtained through investment in real estate or attending an Armenian university.

Dominica: Citizenship by Investment

Dominica’s CBI program is one of the most affordable, with investments starting at USD 500,000. The process takes 3-6 months, and citizenship offers visa-free travel to 139 countries.

Israel: Law of Return

Israel’s Law of Return provides a quick path to citizenship for individuals of Jewish descent or those who convert to Judaism. Citizenship can be obtained within a few months of entering Israel.

Panama: Friendly Nations Visa

Panama’s Friendly Nations Visa allows you to establish residency by registering a company and opening a bank account. After five years, you can apply for citizenship.

Cheapest Citizenships and Passports to Buy

Caribbean Nations

The Caribbean offers some of the most affordable CBI programs:

  • Dominica: Citizenship for a USD 500,000 donation or real estate investment.
  • St. Lucia: Similar to Dominica, with a USD 500,000 donation or real estate investment.
  • Antigua & Barbuda: Citizenship for a USD 400,000 donation, with a family option available.
  • St. Kitts & Nevis: Citizenship for USD 450,000, with expedited processing available.


For those seeking EU citizenship:

  • Portugal: Citizenship through residency or the Golden Visa program, with investments starting at 350,000 EUR.
  • Malta: Citizenship by investment for 900,000 EUR, with expedited processing available for 1,050,000 EUR.

Fastest Countries to Get Citizenship

By Investment

  • St. Kitts & Nevis: Citizenship in 1-2 months with a USD 450,000 investment.
  • Vanuatu: Citizenship in 30 days with a USD 530,000 donation.
  • Grenada: Citizenship in 2-3 months with a USD 650,000 investment.
  • Dominica: Citizenship in 3-6 months with a USD 500,000 investment.
  • St. Lucia: Citizenship in 2-3 months with a USD 500,000 investment.

By Naturalization

  • Argentina: Citizenship after two years of residency.
  • Peru: Citizenship after two years of residency.
  • Paraguay: Citizenship after three years of residency.
  • Dominican Republic: Citizenship in two years, though the process can sometimes take longer.


Acquiring a second passport and new identity can offer immense benefits, from increased personal freedom to better financial opportunities. Numerous paths are available, whether through ancestry, naturalization, marriage, or investment. Consider your options carefully and consult with experts like Amicus International to navigate the process smoothly.

With the right strategy, you can disappear legally, create a new identity, and enjoy the advantages of dual citizenship.


If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.