The Best Countries to become Invisible with a New Identity

by | Jun 27, 2024 | change your identity, create an identity, creating a new identity, erase my identity, mexican citizenship, Uncategorized

The Best Countries to Become Invisible with a New Identity: A Comprehensive Guide

In a world where personal privacy is increasingly threatened, becoming invisible with a new identity is gaining traction. Certain countries offer unique opportunities to reinvent oneself and live under a new identity, whether for personal safety, to escape oppressive regimes, or to seek a fresh start. This comprehensive guide explores the best countries to achieve this goal, considering factors like ease of obtaining residency, legal name changes, and robust privacy laws.

Why Consider a New Identity?

  • Personal Safety: A new identity can shield individuals from threats, harassment, or violence.
  • Escaping Oppression: Political refugees and those fleeing oppressive regimes can find sanctuary and anonymity with a new identity.
  • Privacy Concerns: In an era of digital surveillance, a new identity can help maintain personal privacy and security.
  • Fresh Start: Sometimes, people seek to leave behind their past mistakes or traumatic experiences and start anew.

Legal Considerations

Before delving into the specifics of each country, it’s essential to understand the legal framework surrounding new identities. Creating a new identity must be done legally to avoid potential criminal charges. This involves legal name changes, obtaining new documentation, and ensuring compliance with local laws. Engaging with legal experts and immigration consultants is highly recommended.

The Best Countries to Become Invisible with a New Identity

New Zealand

New Zealand is renowned for its robust privacy laws and relaxed lifestyle, making it an ideal place for those seeking a new identity.

  • Residency: New Zealand offers several pathways to residency, including skilled migrant visas, investor visas, and family reunification.
  • Name Change: Changing your name in New Zealand is straightforward. You can apply through the Department of Internal Affairs, and once approved, you’ll receive a new birth certificate and other identification documents.
  • Privacy Laws: New Zealand’s Privacy Act 2020 provides strong protections for personal information, ensuring your new identity remains secure.


Canada is another top choice for individuals looking to start anew. Known for its multicultural society and welcoming attitude, Canada offers a high quality of life and strong legal protections.

  • Residency: Canada has various immigration programs, including Express Entry for skilled workers, provincial nominee programs, and family sponsorship.
  • Name Change: The process varies by province but generally involves applying through the provincial vital statistics agency. Once approved, new identification documents will be issued.
  • Privacy Laws: Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) ensures that personal information is handled with care and confidentiality.


Switzerland’s long-standing reputation for neutrality and privacy makes it an attractive option for those seeking anonymity.

  • Residency: Switzerland offers several residency options, including permits for retirees, wealthy individuals, and business investors.
  • Name Change: To change your name in Switzerland, you must apply through the cantonal civil registry office. The process is generally straightforward, provided you have a valid reason.
  • Privacy Laws: Swiss privacy laws are among the strictest in the world, providing robust protection for personal data.


Mexico’s laid-back lifestyle and affordable living costs make it a popular destination for expatriates, including those seeking a new identity.

  • Residency: Mexico offers several residency options, such as the Pensionado program for retirees, the Rentista program for those with a steady income, and investment-based residency.
  • Name Change: The name change process in Mexico is relatively simple and can be done through the Civil Registry.
  • Privacy Laws: Mexico has comprehensive data protection laws that ensure the confidentiality of personal information.


Malta’s strategic location in the Mediterranean and its strong privacy protections make it an attractive destination for those looking to reinvent themselves.

  • Residency: Malta offers several pathways to residency, including the Malta Individual Investor Program (IIP), which grants citizenship through investment.
  • Name Change: Changing your name in Malta involves a court process, but it is generally straightforward if you meet the requirements.
  • Privacy Laws: As an EU member state, Malta adheres to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), providing strong protections for personal data.

Steps to Obtain a New Identity

Research and Choose a Country

Research the countries mentioned above, considering residency requirements, name change procedures, and privacy laws. Then, choose a country that best suits your needs and circumstances.

Consult Legal Experts

Engage with legal experts and immigration consultants who specialize in the chosen country. They can provide valuable advice, help navigate complex requirements, and ensure all legalities are adhered to.

Apply for Residency

  • Prepare Documentation: Gather all necessary documentation, such as proof of funds, clean criminal records, and health certificates.
  • Submit Application: Prepare and submit your residency application and the required documents.
  • Fulfill Requirements: Depending on the residency program, you may need to make an investment, secure employment, or meet other criteria.

Initiate Name Change Process

  • Submit Petition: File a petition for a name change through the appropriate government agency or court.
  • Publish Notice: Some countries require you to publish a notice of your name change in a local newspaper.
  • Attend Hearing: Attend a court hearing if required, and provide a valid reason for your name change.
  • Receive Approval: Once approved, you will be issued new identification documents with your new name.

Secure Privacy

To maintain your new identity and ensure privacy, consider the following measures:

  • Digital Security: Use encrypted communication, secure passwords, and two-factor authentication.
  • Limit Information Sharing: Be cautious about sharing personal information publicly.
  • Use Professional Services: Use privacy protection services that help manage and protect your digital footprint.

Potential Challenges and Risks

Legal and Bureaucratic Hurdles

Navigating the legal and bureaucratic processes of changing your identity and obtaining residency can be complex and time-consuming. It’s essential to stay informed and seek professional assistance when needed.

Financial Costs

Obtaining a new identity includes legal fees, residency investments, and travel expenses. Before proceeding, ensure you have a clear understanding of the financial implications.

Cultural and Social Adaptation

Moving to a new country and adopting a new identity involves adapting to a different culture and social environment. This transition can be challenging, so mental and emotional preparation is essential.

Ethical Considerations

While seeking a new identity for legitimate reasons is understandable, it’s crucial to consider the ethical implications. Avoid fraudulent activities and ensure your actions comply with local and international laws.

Case Studies: Real-Life Examples

The Whistleblower

A well-known whistleblower from a significant corporation sought asylum and a new identity in Switzerland. Through legal channels, they obtained residency and successfully changed their name, ensuring their safety and anonymity while continuing their advocacy work from a secure location.

The Political Refugee

An individual fleeing political persecution in their home country found sanctuary in Canada. With the help of immigration lawyers, they applied for asylum, gained permanent residency, and legally changed their names. They now live under a new identity, free from the threats that once plagued them.

The Privacy Advocate

A digital privacy advocate relocated to New Zealand to escape increasing surveillance in their home country. By obtaining residency through a skilled migrant visa and legally changing their name, they could continue their work with enhanced personal security and privacy.


Obtaining a new identity and becoming invisible in a new country is a complex but achievable goal for those seeking safety, privacy, or a fresh start. You can successfully reinvent yourself and live under a new identity by selecting a country with favourable residency programs, robust privacy laws, and straightforward name-change procedures.

This guide has highlighted some of the best countries for this purpose, including New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland, Mexico, and Malta. Each offers unique advantages and challenges, so thorough research and professional guidance are essential.

Remember, the key to obtaining a new identity lies in legality, ethical considerations, and a clear understanding of the long-term implications. Whether escaping danger, seeking greater privacy, or simply starting over, the journey to a new identity is an investment in your future freedom and security.

If you want to work with a professional team to help you transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.

If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.