Can A Fugitive Remain On The Run Forever?

by | Jan 4, 2023 | Anonymous Living, disappear with a new identity, Fugitive

The Five P’s: A Fugitive’s Guide

To stay a fugitive, you must follow the Five P’s:

  • Proper
  • Planning
  • Prevents
  • Poor
  • Performance

Many factors can make it challenging to evade capture indefinitely.

Fugitives often make mistakes and leave evidence behind, helping law enforcement track them down. Others involved might turn them in or reveal their location. Even if they avoid capture for a while, fugitives show signs of stress and fatigue from constant hiding.

On the Run: How Long?

While some fugitives remain on the run for years, most eventually get caught due to one of these factors. Living in hiding for an extended period is possible, but they cannot escape their past entirely undetected. Constant vigilance is exhausting, and even the most meticulous plan can unravel. Fugitives must be prepared for the psychological toll of isolation and constant fear of discovery.

Improving the Odds

Success in escaping depends on creativity and foresight. Planning a new life and identity is crucial to avoid capture. A unique appearance helps; even slight changes can prevent recognition.

New paperwork and alternate identification allow fugitives to move through public areas unnoticed. Knowledge of secluded places is essential for hiding. With preparation and planning, escape is possible. Outsmarting pursuers is the key to success.

Fugitives must also consider their habits and routines. Changing patterns regularly can prevent law enforcement from picking up a predictable trail. Using cash instead of credit cards, avoiding social media, and steering clear of places with surveillance cameras are essential strategies.

A New Identity

Creating a new identity is the best way to avoid discovery. It should be different enough to prevent searches but similar enough to remember. Developing aliases and leaving familiar places makes it hard for searchers to trace the new identity.

Cybersecurity is paramount. Using a VPN and non-traceable payments leaves less digital evidence. Always have backup plans in case someone from the past reappears, or new leads emerge. Resourcefulness and vigilance are crucial for evading capture. With creativity and planning, anyone can disappear successfully.

Additionally, learning to blend in with the local population is vital. Adopting local customs, accents, and mannerisms can make a fugitive less noticeable. Building a plausible backstory that aligns with the new identity can also help avoid suspicion.

Jack Shepherd: Fugitive on the Run

Jack Shepherd‘s disappearance deepens the mystery. In July 2018, Shepherd was convicted of manslaughter in a speedboat crash that killed Charlotte Brown. He never served his sentence and has been on the run since.

Questions remain about how he avoided capture for so long. Despite reported sightings, authorities haven’t tracked him down. Shepherd’s tactics may include fake IDs or altered appearances. Others suggest he’s hiding off the beaten path with a network’s help. His strategy is working as he continues to evade justice. But his luck might run out soon.

Shepherd’s ability to avoid detection may also involve meticulous planning and significant financial resources. He could use offshore bank accounts, encrypted communication methods, and support from a close-knit group of confidants. Each day he remains free increases the chances of making a mistake, demonstrating the complexity of his escape plan.

Fugitive Alert: Border Sealed

When fugitives try to escape the country, law enforcement must act quickly. Customs and border patrols are vigilant in identifying and stopping potential fugitives. Local police and Interpol work together to catch those with outstanding warrants, especially at airports. These strategies help protect against criminals crossing borders.

Authorities use advanced technologies like facial recognition and biometric scanning to catch fugitives. Surveillance cameras at airports, train stations, and border crossings provide real-time data, making it harder for fugitives to slip through unnoticed. Coordinated efforts between international law enforcement agencies ensure a seamless sharing of information and resources.

Biometric Technologies are Used at Border Crossings, Airports, Train Stations, etc.

  • Facial Recognition:
    • Cameras capture images of individuals as they pass through checkpoints.
    • Advanced algorithms compare these images with databases of known fugitives.
    • High accuracy rates in identifying individuals even with minor changes in appearance.
  • Fingerprint Scanning:
    • Scanners capture fingerprint data, which is compared against national and international databases.
    • Instant identification of individuals with prior records or warrants.
    • Difficult to bypass due to the uniqueness of fingerprints.
  • Iris Scanning:
    • Cameras scan the unique patterns of an individual’s iris.
    • Highly accurate and nearly impossible to forge.
    • Used in conjunction with other biometric data for enhanced security.
  • Voice Recognition:
    • Analyzes voice patterns and matches them with stored voiceprints in databases.
    • It can be used in scenarios where direct physical scanning is not possible.
    • Helpful in verifying identities in phone or remote interactions.
  • Behavioral Biometrics:
    • Analyzes patterns in behaviour, such as gait or typing rhythms.
    • Adds a layer of security by identifying anomalies in behaviour.
    • Combined with other biometric data to improve overall accuracy.
  • DNA Analysis:
    • Used in more critical cases to confirm identities with high precision.
    • Requires physical samples, making it less common at standard checkpoints.
    • Highly reliable for long-term identification and verification.
  • Real-Time Data Sharing:
    • Border agencies and law enforcement share biometric data across international networks.
    • Immediate alerts if a fugitive attempts to cross a border.
    • Collaborative efforts ensure no gaps in surveillance and identification.

These biometric technologies create a robust security net, making it increasingly difficult for fugitives to evade capture. By integrating multiple forms of biometric data, authorities can quickly and accurately identify individuals attempting to cross borders, reducing the chances of a successful escape.

Hardening Yourself

Establishing a new identity is crucial to staying hidden and evading detection before fleeing. This allows you to establish a new life without past connections tracking you. Use a VPN and secure personal information to avoid digital trails. Avoid familiar areas and people who might recognize you. Careful planning and creativity help anyone escape detection and disappear.

Fugitives should also consider learning survival skills. Knowing how to live off the land, create makeshift shelters, and find food in remote areas can be invaluable. Physical fitness is also essential; running, climbing, and navigating rugged terrain can make the difference between escape and capture.

Investing in disguises and mastering the art of changing one’s appearance can throw off potential trackers. Simple changes like hair colour, style, and wardrobe can create significant obstacles for those attempting to identify a fugitive.

Shane O’Brien: A Case Study

Shane O’Brien’s case is seen as a policy failure. Wanted for Josh Hanson’s murder, O’Brien used a fake identity to evade capture for over ten years. Tips were given to Interpol, but police couldn’t track the phony name. Despite this, O’Brien stayed hidden. Protecting your identity is crucial to avoid becoming a fugitive on Interpol’s list. Always be cautious of who you associate with, as they could reveal your secrets.

O’Brien’s success in evading capture likely involved multiple layers of deception. He may have used several fake identities, frequently changing his appearance and locations. His ability to stay hidden suggests he had substantial financial resources and possibly assistance from others. Not capturing him for so long highlights law enforcement’s challenges in tracking well-prepared fugitives.

Fake Identity

Using a fake identity is a common escape strategy but is temporary. Digital technology allows law enforcement to track individuals across platforms. Fake identities attract suspicion, increasing the risk of early apprehension. Thoroughly plan new identities to avoid raising red flags. Research destinations with strong privacy laws. Avoid revealing personal details online. Keeping a low profile improves the chances of escaping detection.

Creating a convincing fake identity involves more than just obtaining false documents. It requires a deep understanding of the new persona, including their background, habits, and connections. Building a credible history through fake social media profiles, employment records, and educational qualifications can help solidify the new identity.

Fugitives should also be aware of the latest surveillance technologies and methods used by law enforcement. Staying ahead of these developments and adapting strategies accordingly can prolong the effectiveness of a fake identity.


To escape the law and start anew, be thoughtful about your approach. Follow these tips to improve your odds of avoiding capture. If you need help transitioning to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.


If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.