Cover, Legend and New Identity

by | Aug 4, 2020 | Anonymous Living, Anonymous Travel, Fugitive, New Identity

 The Crucial Elements of a New Identity: Crafting a Cover and Creating a Legend

Assuming a new identity involves two crucial components: the cover and the legend. The cover represents a secondary identity, whereas the legend encompasses the detailed background story and documents supporting this cover. Together, these elements work to create a believable and sustainable new persona. This blog explores the intricacies of crafting a convincing cover and legend, drawing on real-world examples and practical advice.

Understanding the Cover and Legend

Cover: The cover is the outward-facing aspect of your new identity. It includes your new name, nationality, profession, and other key identifiers. Essentially, this is the persona you present to the world.

Legend: The legend is the detailed backstory that supports your cover. It includes your history, education, family background, and even minor details such as hobbies and favourite foods. Therefore, a strong legend ensures your cover is believable and can withstand scrutiny.

Crafting a Plausible Legend

The success of your new identity depends mainly on the strength and plausibility of your legend. When creating a legend, consider these key aspects:

Nationality and Cultural Knowledge

When your new identity involves a nationality other than your own, it is vital to be familiar with that country’s primary politics, news, and cultural nuances. For instance, posing as a South Korean visiting Japan requires awareness of historical and political issues between the two countries, such as the controversy over the Dokdo/Takeshima islands. Missteps in these areas can quickly raise suspicions.

Language and Accent

Mastering the language and accent of your new identity is crucial. This includes not only the language itself but also the accent. For example, learn how locals pronounce their city names and common phrases. Someone from Baltimore might pronounce it “Ballimer.” Nevertheless, overdoing an accent can be just as suspicious as not having one, so strive for a natural and subtle delivery.

Personal Details

The small details of your legend should come quickly and without hesitation. These include your birth date, profession, place of residence, favourite drink, and even your pet’s name. Consistency and rehearsal are key. Consequently, the more precise you are, your legend will be more believable.

Leveraging Real-Life Experience

Whenever possible, draw on your real-life experiences to enhance your legend. The most convincing stories often contain elements of truth. For instance, if you are posing as a Russian accountant, understanding Russian financial laws and speaking Russian fluently will enhance your credibility. Consequently, this approach makes your legend more believable and more accessible to remember and maintain.

Comprehensive Backstory

A comprehensive backstory is essential for a robust legend. This includes:

  • Education: Where did you go to school? Do you have a diploma to prove it?
  • Family: Who are your parents and siblings? Do you have an ex-spouse or children?
  • Employment: Where have you worked? What were your job responsibilities?
  • Hobbies: What are your interests? Do you have the necessary gear or equipment to support these hobbies?

Case Study: Christopher John Boyce

Christopher John Boyce, a spy for the USSR, is a cautionary tale about the importance of leaving behind old habits when assuming a new identity. Boyce, nicknamed “The Falcon” for his interest in competitive falconry, was well-known among the small community of American falconers. After escaping from federal prison in 1980 and acquiring a new identity, Boyce made the critical mistake of resuming his old hobby. His association with people who knew him by his original name led to his re-arrest in 1981. This example underscores the importance of abandoning old habits and associations to avoid detection.

Detailed Examples of “Legends”

To further illustrate the concept of a legend, here are some detailed examples:

Example 1: The Business Consultant

Cover Identity: Michael Reed, a business consultant from Canada.

  • Nationality: Canadian
  • Birth Date: March 14, 1980
  • Education: MBA from the University of Toronto
  • Profession: Business consultant specializing in mergers and acquisitions
  • Residence: Lives in a condo in downtown Toronto
  • Family: Divorced with one child, a daughter named Emily
  • Hobbies: He enjoys sailing and has a small boat named “Sea Breeze.”
  • Favourite Drink: Canadian whisky

Support Details:

  • Diplomas and Certifications: A fake MBA diploma and professional certifications
  • Residential Documents: Utility bills and rental agreements for the condo
  • Personal Items: Sailing gear and photos of “Sea Breeze”

Example 2: The Academic Researcher

Cover Identity: Dr. Anna Schmidt, a German academic researcher.

  • Nationality: German
  • Birth Date: July 22, 1975
  • Education: Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the University of Heidelberg
  • Profession: Academic researcher focused on genetic engineering
  • Residence: Lives in an apartment in Berlin
  • Family: Single, with no children
  • Hobbies: Enjoys gardening and has a small rooftop garden
  • Favourite Dish: Sauerbraten, a traditional German pot roast

Support Details:

  • Academic Credentials: Fake Ph.D. diploma and published papers
  • Residential Documents: Utility bills and rental agreements for the apartment
  • Personal Items: Gardening tools and photos of the rooftop garden

Avoiding Overconfidence

Abandoning the habits and associations of your previous identity is crucial once you have acquired a new cover identity. Overconfidence can lead to exposure, as seen in the case of Christopher John Boyce. Therefore, ensure that your new identity does not overlap with your past life in any detectable way.

Maintaining the Legend

Maintaining your legend requires ongoing effort and attention to detail. Here are some tips:

  • Consistency: Always provide consistent information about your cover identity. Any discrepancies can raise suspicion.
  • Documentation: Keep all supporting documents organized and accessible. This includes IDs, utility bills, and other paperwork supporting your legend.
  • Behaviour: Adapt your behaviour to fit your new identity. This includes your mannerisms, speech patterns, and lifestyle choices.

Practical Steps for Crafting a New Identity

Here is a step-by-step guide to crafting a new identity:

 1: Research and Planning

  • Determine the Cover Identity: Decide on the essential elements of your cover identity, such as name, nationality, and profession.
  • Research Background Information: Gather detailed information about your new identity’s background, including education, family, and employment history.

 2: Acquire Supporting Documents

  • Obtain Fake Documents: Acquire fake diplomas, certifications, and other necessary documents.
  • Create Supporting Paperwork: Generate utility bills, rental agreements, and other documents that support your new identity.

 3: Develop Personal Details

  • Memorize Key Facts: Write down important details about your new identity, such as your birth date, place of residence, and personal interests.
  • Practice Language and Accent: If your new identity involves a different language or accent, practice speaking naturally and convincingly.

 4: Establish the Legend

  • Build a Backstory: Create a comprehensive backstory that includes education, family, employment, and hobbies.
  • Gather Personal Items: Collect personal items that support your new identity, such as photos, hobby equipment, and personal mementos.

 5: Abandon Old Habits

  • Sever Old Connections: Cut ties with people and places associated with your old identity.
  • Adopt New Habits: Embrace new habits and associations that align with your new identity.

Final Thoughts

Creating and maintaining a new identity is a complex and detailed process that requires careful planning and execution. The key to success lies in the thoroughness of your legend and the consistency of your cover. By following these guidelines and paying attention to every detail, you can create a believable and sustainable new identity.

For those facing the challenges of adopting a new identity, professional assistance from organizations like Amicus International Consulting can provide invaluable support and expertise. Expert guidance can make all the difference if you need help crafting your legend or acquiring the necessary documents. Remember, the success of your new identity depends on the strength of your legend and your ability to maintain it consistently. Stay vigilant and prepared; your new identity can provide the fresh start you need.

If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.