Creating a New Identity: Challenges, Tips, and Real-Life Examples


Creating a new identity can be challenging and daunting, but it is possible with the right resources and support. This blog post will guide you through the process of creating a new identity, focusing on choosing a new name, obtaining new documentation, and understanding the legal consequences. If you’re ready to make a fresh start, read on!

Why Do You Want to Create a New Identity?

People often seek a new identity to disappear legally. This desire is common among those wanted by the law or involved in criminal activities. By changing their identity, individuals can avoid detection by authorities and protect themselves.

Moreover, an identity change allows people to start fresh. They can leave their past transgressions behind. They can begin anew without the burden of their former lives with a new identity.

Choosing a New Name and Getting Documentation

When creating a new identity, start by choosing a new name. This can be entirely new or derived from your middle name. Next, obtain a driver’s license, passport, or social security card. These documents will prove your new legal identity.

Depending on your country, getting these documents might require extensive background checks or bribery. Register for official communication services like phone numbers, email accounts, and bank accounts. This step ensures you avoid links to your former existence.

The Process of Obtaining New Documentation

The process of obtaining new documentation varies by country. In some places, it might involve extensive paperwork and background checks. For example, in countries with strict regulations, you might need to provide a detailed history and undergo interviews. In other places, bribery or connections might facilitate the process.

To obtain a new driver’s license, visit the local DMV or equivalent agency. You might need to present proof of identity, such as a birth certificate or old ID. For a new passport, apply at the passport office or embassy, provide the necessary documents, and possibly undergo an interview.

Setting up new communication channels is equally crucial. Register for a new phone number, create new email accounts, and open new bank accounts. Ensure these accounts are unlinked to your previous identity to maintain anonymity.

Legal Consequences of Creating a New Identity

Creating a new identity can have serious legal consequences. Faking an identity to avoid law enforcement or defrauding others in the United States is illegal. People caught doing this can face fraud, theft, robbery, bank fraud, or impersonation charges.

Furthermore, using a fake ID to commit other crimes, such as bribery or drug trafficking, can lead to additional charges. The severity of the punishment depends on state and federal laws and the case details. Generally, those convicted of creating a fake identity can expect fines and jail time.

Financial and Social Implications

Creating a new identity also carries financial consequences. Establishing financial credit with a new identity is often difficult. Banks and lenders require thorough documentation and background checks. Moreover, creating a new work history or “backstory” with a false identity can be challenging. All these factors make it difficult to re-enter society meaningfully.

Socially, a new identity can isolate you from previous connections. Building new relationships without revealing your past can be difficult. Trust issues might arise, and maintaining the facade can be exhausting.

How Fugitives Use New Identities: Case Studies

Recently, several cases have emerged in which fugitives attempted to create new identities. These cases highlight the challenges and risks involved in identity change.

Case Study 1: Bradley William Stone

In 2015, authorities captured Bradley William Stone after he created a false name and Social Security number. He had been on the run for months. Records related to his stolen documents eventually led to his capture. Stone’s case illustrates the difficulty of maintaining a new identity without detection.

Case Study 2: Raymond Scott Hughes

In 2018, Raymond Scott Hughes was apprehended in New York City. He used someone else’s driver’s license and Social Security number while trying to board an international flight. Despite his efforts to disappear legally, law enforcement tracked him down. His case shows the challenges of using stolen documents to evade capture.

Case Study 3: Robert William Fisher

In 2017, authorities arrested Robert William Fisher. He had been using a false ID to check into hotel rooms in Florida. Fisher’s case demonstrates the persistent risks of living under a false identity. Despite his efforts, law enforcement eventually caught him.

These cases illustrate that while criminals can use fake IDs to evade capture, law enforcement has sophisticated methods for identifying and apprehending fugitives. Advanced facial recognition software and cross-database checks are particularly effective tools.

Dangers of Creating Your ID

Fraudulently obtaining identification documents carries severe risks. Individuals engaged in this activity often face lengthy prison sentences and heavy fines. Additionally, a tarnished public record can have long-term consequences.

Individuals should seek lawful means to obtain necessary identification documents to avoid these risks. By following the law, you can protect yourself from potential legal ramifications. Additionally, staying on the right side of the law ensures your identity remains secure.

Moreover, creating fake IDs can lead to arrest or imprisonment and put your personal information at risk. Therefore, staying informed and avoiding activities that could get you into trouble is essential. Protect your own identity by preventing the creation of false documents or identities.


Creating a new identity can allow someone to start over and escape their past. However, this process is difficult and dangerous. Before attempting any of these steps, you must gather the right resources and have a plan.

With patience and careful planning, starting a new life with a new identity is possible. This article was intended to guide how to create a new identity should someone choose to start over or escape their past. The information provided will help those who want to start fresh and leave their old identities behind.

If you are serious about creating a new identity, research all the laws and take precautions to avoid getting into trouble. Good luck, and start building your new life!

Creating a false identity carries significant risks that should not be taken lightly. Awareness of the potential civil and criminal ramifications is essential to avoid serious legal trouble.

If you have questions about the consequences of creating a false identity, speak to a legal professional. For expert assistance, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today. They can help you transition to a life of freedom with a new legal identity.

If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.