The Countries That Sell Diplomatic Passports (And What You Need to Know About Them)


In today’s globalized world, diplomatic passports offer enticing benefits beyond government officials. These passports provide significant advantages, such as visa-free travel, legal protections, and airport preferential treatment. However, obtaining a diplomatic passport isn’t always straightforward or aboveboard. Several countries worldwide sell diplomatic passports, a lucrative and controversial practice. This detailed blog post will explore these countries, the implications of selling diplomatic passports, and the potential risks involved.

Understanding Diplomatic Passports

Diplomatic passports are issued to diplomats and government officials representing their country in a foreign nation. These passports come with privileges like diplomatic immunity, which shields the holder from the host country’s specific laws and taxes. Additionally, diplomatic passport holders often enjoy expedited processing at borders and other travel-related perks, such as access to VIP lounges and priority boarding on flights.

These benefits, designed to aid diplomats in their official duties, can be beautiful to non-diplomats. For instance, diplomatic immunity can protect the holder from prosecution for most crimes committed in the host country, although serious crimes might still prompt diplomatic repercussions. Diplomatic passports also facilitate smoother and faster travel, making them coveted by individuals seeking convenience and reduced scrutiny.

However, some countries extend the sale of diplomatic passports to wealthy individuals, businessmen, and even criminals and fugitives. This extension dilutes the intended purpose of these passports and opens up avenues for misuse and exploitation.

Who Uses a Diplomatic Passport?

Diplomatic passports attract various individuals for different reasons. These include:

  • High-Net-Worth Individuals: Wealthy people seek diplomatic passports for fewer travel restrictions and enhanced privacy.
  • Businessmen: Entrepreneurs travelling internationally benefit from expedited travel processes and reduced scrutiny.
  • Fugitives: Those trying to escape legal troubles use diplomatic passports to evade law enforcement and enter countries without extradition agreements.
  • Celebrities and Public Figures: Diplomatic passports ensure privacy and security for those in the public eye during travel.

Who Can Buy a Diplomatic Passport, and What Are the Benefits?

Generally, diplomatic passports are for high-ranking officials and individuals representing foreign nations. However, in countries that sell these passports, anyone with sufficient financial resources can acquire one. The benefits of owning a diplomatic passport include:

  • Visa-Free Travel: Simplified international travel without the need for visas.
  • Diplomatic Immunity: Legal protection against specific laws and regulations in foreign countries.
  • Preferential Treatment: Faster processing at airports and border crossings.
  • Legal Rights Abroad: Enhanced rights related to customs, taxation, and immigration in host countries.

Countries That Sell Diplomatic Passports and Their Costs

Several countries sell diplomatic passports, and the prices vary significantly. Here are some examples:

  • St. Kitts and Nevis: Offers diplomatic passports for around $550,000 to eligible applicants who meet specific criteria.
  • Moldova: Known to offer diplomatic passports for over $1 million.
  • Dominica: Provides citizenship by investment programs that can include diplomatic passports, though exact prices are not always publicly disclosed.
  • Vanuatu: Another country with a citizenship-by-investment program that includes the possibility of obtaining a diplomatic passport.

How to Buy a Diplomatic Passport

Purchasing a diplomatic passport involves several steps and varies by country. Here is a general outline of the process:

  1. Research Regulations: Investigate specific regulations and requirements for obtaining a diplomatic passport in your chosen country.
  2. Eligibility Criteria: Ensure you meet eligibility criteria, including proof of financial stability, clean criminal records, and other credentials.
  3. Contact Professional Services: Consult professional services specializing in obtaining diplomatic passports to guide you.
  4. Prepare Documentation: Gather all necessary documents, such as birth certificates, proof of address, financial statements, and letters of recommendation.
  5. Submit Application: Submit your application with the required fees and documents to the relevant authorities.
  6. Follow-Up: Maintain communication with the service provider or government officials to ensure your application is processed smoothly.

Risks Associated with Buying Diplomatic Passports

While the benefits of owning a diplomatic passport are clear, significant risks are involved:

  • Legality Issues: Diplomatic passports sold on the black market may be fake or obtained illegally, leading to severe legal consequences if caught.
  • Fraudulent Sellers: There’s a risk of being scammed by unscrupulous sellers who offer counterfeit passports.
  • Extradition Risks: Even with a diplomatic passport, you may not be safe from extradition if the issuing country cooperates with international law enforcement.
  • Reputational Damage: Possessing a purchased diplomatic passport can damage your reputation and result in additional legal scrutiny.

The Ethics and Controversies Surrounding Diplomatic Passport Sales

The sale of diplomatic passports raises significant ethical and legal concerns. This practice undermines the integrity of diplomatic relations and creates avenues for corruption and criminal activities. By allowing non-diplomats to obtain these passports, countries may inadvertently facilitate illegal activities and provide a means for fugitives to evade justice.

One primary ethical concern is that the sale of diplomatic passports commodifies a privilege meant to be earned through public service. This commercialization can degrade the value of diplomatic immunity and the trust placed in diplomatic agents worldwide. Furthermore, it can erode public confidence in government institutions when citizens see that significant financial resources can buy diplomatic status.

Another controversy concerns the potential use of diplomatic passports for money laundering or facilitating illicit transactions. With the protections and immunities afforded by diplomatic passports, individuals engaged in illegal activities can operate with reduced risk of detection and prosecution. This misuse undermines the legal frameworks established to combat international crime and corruption.

Additionally, selling diplomatic passports can strain diplomatic relations between countries. If a country consistently issues diplomatic passports to questionable individuals, it risks damaging its reputation and diplomatic standing. Other nations may become wary of engaging diplomatically or economically with such a country, fearing their cooperation might be exploited for unethical purposes.

Case Study: The Ruja Ignatova Incident

One notable case highlighting the complexities of diplomatic passport sales is Ruja Ignatova, the founder of the OneCoin cryptocurrency scam. Ignatova dubbed the “Cryptoqueen,” orchestrated a massive Ponzi scheme that defrauded investors worldwide out of billions of dollars. As law enforcement closed in on her operations, Ignatova reportedly obtained a diplomatic passport from a country known for selling them.

This diplomatic passport provided her a shield against international law enforcement, complicating efforts to capture her. The immunity and protection granted by her diplomatic status allowed Ignatova to travel freely and evade authorities for an extended period. Her case underscores the potential dangers and ethical dilemmas of selling diplomatic passports, mainly when they fall into the hands of high-profile criminals.

Ignatova’s ability to exploit diplomatic immunity highlighted the gaps in international legal frameworks and the challenges of regulating diplomatic privileges. Her continued evasion has prompted calls for stricter regulations and oversight of diplomatic passport issuance to prevent similar abuses in the future.

The Role of International Law and Enforcement

International law plays a crucial role in regulating the issuance and use of diplomatic passports. Organizations like Interpol and the United Nations have established guidelines and conventions to prevent the misuse of these documents. However, enforcement can be challenging, especially when countries with lax regulations or corruption issues are involved.

Interpol, for instance, is mandated to facilitate international police cooperation and assist in apprehending criminals who exploit diplomatic privileges. However, the effectiveness of Interpol’s efforts depends on the cooperation and integrity of member states. Countries that sell diplomatic passports may be less inclined to cooperate fully, undermining international law enforcement efforts.

The United Nations has also addressed the issue of diplomatic passport misuse through various resolutions and conventions. These efforts aim to establish clear standards and procedures for issuing diplomatic passports and ensuring they are used solely for legitimate diplomatic purposes.

The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations

The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations is a cornerstone of international diplomatic law. It outlines the privileges and immunities granted to diplomatic agents and establishes the framework for diplomatic conduct. While the convention does not explicitly address the sale of diplomatic passports, it emphasizes the importance of maintaining the integrity of diplomatic privileges.

The convention stipulates that diplomatic agents must conduct themselves in a manner that respects the laws and regulations of the host country. It also requires countries to ensure that diplomatic privileges are not abused or misused. The sale of diplomatic passports, particularly to non-diplomats, contravenes the spirit of the Vienna Convention and undermines the trust and cooperation essential for effective diplomacy.

Alternatives to Buying Diplomatic Passports

For those seeking the benefits of enhanced travel and legal protections, there are legitimate alternatives to purchasing diplomatic passports. These include:

  • Citizenship by Investment Programs: Many countries offer citizenship by investment programs that provide passports with visa-free travel to numerous destinations.
  • Residency by Investment Programs: Some countries offer residency programs that provide many of the same benefits as citizenship, including visa-free travel and favourable tax treatment.
  • Legal Representation: High-net-worth individuals and businesspeople can hire legal representatives to navigate international laws and protections without using dubious means.


Certain countries sell diplomatic passports, opening a Pandora’s box of ethical and legal issues. While these passports offer substantial benefits, they pose significant risks, mainly when acquired illegally. The case of Ruja Ignatova highlights the complexities and challenges associated with capturing high-profile fugitives who exploit these systems.

For those considering purchasing a diplomatic passport, proceeding cautiously, conducting thorough research, and seeking professional advice is crucial. The consequences of getting caught with a fraudulent or illegally obtained passport can be severe, including legal action and reputational damage.

In conclusion, while diplomatic passports can provide a gateway to global mobility and security, they should be pursued through legitimate means to avoid the risks associated with their acquisition. If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.


If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.