Five reasons a person gets a New Identity

by | Dec 24, 2020 | Anonymous Living, Anonymous Travel, New Identity, Second Passport

Five Compelling Reasons to Obtain a New Identity

Changing one’s identity is a significant decision many consider for personal and professional reasons. Here, we explore five compelling reasons why someone might seek a new identity and the essential considerations for doing so legally and securely. Whether it’s for identity protection, to disappear legally, or to facilitate a safe disappearance, understanding these reasons can provide valuable insights into the process of new identity creation.

1. Family Considerations

Family dynamics often play a crucial role in the decision to pursue an identity change. Single mothers, for instance, may desire their children’s last names to match their own for educational and legal purposes. Married couples often wish for a unified family surname to foster a sense of belonging and cohesion. Additionally, honouring a significant figure in one’s life can motivate a name change.

Individuals might sometimes detest their given names due to adverse childhood memories. Changing to a beloved family name can help reclaim a sense of heritage and create a new identity that resonates positively with them.

Educational and Legal Benefits

For single mothers, having the same last name as their children can simplify school registration processes and other educational matters. A consistent family name can make legal proceedings more straightforward, especially in custody cases.

Honouring Loved Ones

Changing one’s name to honour a loved one or significant figure can be a profound gesture of respect and remembrance. This act can provide a sense of continuity and connection to one’s history.

2. Identification Uniformity

Having uniform and compliant identification is essential for various legal and logistical reasons. For instance, the Real ID Act requires individuals to have consistent identification for air travel and access to secure federal areas in the United States. Ensuring that your name and identification documents match is crucial for these purposes.

Social Security and Pension Claims

To claim Social Security benefits or a pension, your legal name must be consistent across all official documents. This uniformity is vital to avoid complications and ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to.

Employment Verification

When applying for jobs and receiving payment, your legal name must match the name on your Social Security card and other identification documents. This consistency helps prevent issues with employment verification and payroll processing.

Inheritance and Asset Management

Inheriting money or assets requires proof of legal identity. Consistent names across all documents ensure you can legally claim and manage inherited assets without unnecessary legal hurdles.

3. Simplifying Complicated Names

Names that are difficult to pronounce or spell can cause ongoing frustration and confusion. Changing to a more straightforward, recognizable name can eliminate these issues and improve daily interactions.

Professional and Personal Convenience

A simpler name can smooth professional networking and personal interactions. It reduces the need for constant explanations and corrections, making communication more efficient.

Resolving Identification Issues

Over time, changing names can lead to discrepancies in official documents. A uniform name across all identification can simplify school registration, medical care, and financial transactions.

4. Career and Public Image

Adopting a stage name is common for many in the entertainment industry. Eventually, they may seek to make this name official to align their personal and professional identities. Business professionals might also change their names to fit their industry better or to create a more memorable personal brand.

Entertainers and Public Figures

Entertainers often choose stage names that are easier to market and remember. Making these names official helps maintain a consistent public image and brand identity.

Rebranding After Divorce

Divorced individuals often seek to reclaim their maiden names or choose new ones that reflect their current outlook better. This change can signify a fresh start and personal or professional direction.

Honoring Inspirations

Some people change their names to honour mentors, idols, or other influential figures. This gesture can be personal or professional and reflect the values and inspirations driving their lives.

5. Spiritual, Religious, and Personal Aspirations

For many, changing their name reflects their spiritual or religious beliefs. It can also signify personal growth, aspirations, or a new chapter in life.

Spiritual and Religious Reasons

Adopting a new name that aligns with one’s spiritual or religious beliefs can be a profound and meaningful change. It signifies a deep personal transformation and commitment to those beliefs.

Personal Growth and New Beginnings

Changing one’s name can symbolize a fresh start and a new identity. It marks the beginning of a new journey, whether a career change, a new personal mission, or overcoming past adversities.

Legal Considerations for Changing Your Name

Changing your name legally involves several steps and considerations. Here are seven essential things to know before undertaking this process.

1. Flexibility with Exceptions

You can choose almost any name, with a few exceptions. You cannot select a name that is a celebrity’s name, a trademarked name, a numeric value, a punctuation mark, or something offensive or obscene. Additionally, changing your name to avoid debt, commit fraud, or evade law enforcement is illegal.

2. Easier During Marriage or Divorce

Changing your name during marriage or divorce is typically more straightforward. You can take your spouse’s surname, hyphenate both or create a new surname. In a divorce, you can usually revert to your maiden name throughout the proceedings.

3. No Lawyer Needed

While legal paperwork might seem daunting, you don’t need a lawyer to change your name. Many resources, like LegalZoom or name change services like HitchSwitch, can help streamline the process.

4. Associated Costs

Filing a name change petition in court usually involves a fee, typically between $150 to $200. Notarization of forms also incurs a small fee. If you’re getting married, ordering extra copies of your marriage certificate can help update various documents.

5. Notify Relevant Parties

Once your name change is legal, you must inform government agencies, financial institutions, employers, and other relevant parties. This includes the Social Security Administration, IRS, DMV, banks, credit card companies, and utility companies.

6. Timing is Crucial

Ensure you have all legal documents (marriage certificate, divorce decree, court order) before notifying entities of your new name. This prevents logistical issues and helps maintain your credit history.

7. Research State Laws

Name change laws vary by state. Some states require court involvement, while others allow name changes through consistent usage. Check your state’s requirements to ensure you follow the correct procedure.


Obtaining a new identity is a complex and significant decision influenced by various personal, legal, and professional factors. The process requires careful consideration and adherence to legal procedures, whether for family reasons, identification uniformity, simplification, career advancement, or personal aspirations. For those seeking a safe and secure identity change, consulting with experts like Amicus International Consulting can ensure the process is handled legally and effectively, providing peace of mind and a fresh start.

By understanding the reasons and processes involved in creating a new identity, you can navigate this significant life change with confidence and clarity. Whether you aim to disappear legally, ensure identity protection, or pursue a safe disappearance, these insights will help guide your journey to a new identity.

If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.