How to Disappear Forever and Live Anonymously


People have vanished for various reasons, intentionally or accidentally. Some have successfully disappeared without a trace, while others were found after years on the run. But what does it take to disappear? Can you live anonymously? How can you ensure you’re not found if you want to go off the grid? Here are some tips to help you get started!

Steps to Take Before Disappearing

Create a New Identity

First, you must create a new identity. This includes obtaining a new passport, driver’s license, and social security number. Set up new bank accounts and credit cards to ensure your finances are in order so you can live comfortably once you disappear. Consider using a new name that isn’t easily linked to your past and choose a common one to blend in more easily.

Inform Trusted Loved Ones

Consider informing trusted loved ones about your decision and whereabouts. If you trust them not to disclose your new identity, leave them a letter explaining why you had to go. This can help them understand and forgive you for disappearing. However, be cautious about whom you inform to minimize the risk of being found.

Plan Your New Life

Plan how you will live once you disappear. Find a place to stay and secure a job. Aim to be as self-sufficient as possible to avoid relying on anyone else for support. Research locations that are less likely to track residents or have robust privacy protections. Rural areas or small towns might offer more anonymity than large cities.

How to Disappear Without a Trace

Obtain a New Identity

To disappear forever without a trace, you need a new identity. Professional consulting services like Amicus International Consulting can assist with this. Your new identity will include all necessary documents, such as a passport, driver’s license, and social security number. Ensure these documents are from reputable sources to avoid complications later.

Start a New Life

With your new identity, begin living a new life. Open a new bank account and set up bills in your new name and address. Make new friends and acquaintances in your new town, keeping your old life separate from your new one. Consider taking up a new profession or hobby to establish your new identity further.

Hide Your Tracks

Delete old social media accounts and email addresses to avoid being tracked down. Dispose of any documents with your old name and address. These steps will make it much harder for anyone to find you. Use cash for transactions whenever possible to avoid leaving a digital trail, and consider using encrypted communication methods to maintain privacy.

Tips for Staying Hidden

Erase Your Online Presence

  • Delete all social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Remove personal information from websites and forums: Contact webmasters to remove any traces of your old identity.
  • Use online reputation management services: Monitor and remove any remaining information about you online.

Change Personal Information

  • Get a new name: Choose a common name that doesn’t raise suspicion.
  • Obtain new identification: Driver’s license, social security card, passport, and other ID.
  • Set up a new phone number: Use a new area code and avoid sharing it widely.
  • Get a new email address: Use an encrypted email service for added security.
  • Use a new mailing address: Consider a PO Box or private mail forwarding service to keep your physical location private.

Maintain Believability

  • Create a convincing backstory: Develop a detailed history for your new identity.
  • Practice your new identity: Memorize your new details and backstory until they become second nature.
  • Avoid discussing your past: Don’t share personal history with new acquaintances.
  • Develop new habits: Change your routine and lifestyle to match your new identity.

Financial Precautions

  • Use cash for transactions: Avoid using credit or debit cards to prevent leaving a digital trail.
  • Open new bank accounts: Use your new identity and avoid linking them to your past.
  • Set up offshore accounts For additional security and privacy.
  • Avoid large transactions: Keep financial activities low-key to avoid drawing attention.

Living Arrangements

  • Choose a remote or low-profile location: Small towns or rural areas are often less scrutinized.
  • Rent instead of buying property: Moving quickly if needed is more accessible.
  • Use short-term leases: Flexibility to relocate if your location is compromised.
  • Avoid registering with local authorities: Stay off government and public records if possible.


  • Use encrypted communication tools: Signal, Telegram, or other secure messaging apps.
  • Avoid video calls: They can reveal your location and identity.
  • Be cautious with social interactions: Limit contact with people who might recognize you.


  • Use public transportation: Buses, trains, and taxis leave fewer personal records.
  • Avoid frequent travel: It can attract attention and increase the risk of being tracked.
  • Change travel routes frequently: Avoid establishing a routine that can be quickly followed.

Physical Appearance

  • Change your appearance: New hairstyle, hair colour, clothing style, and accessories.
  • Avoid where you might be recognized: Steer clear of old neighbourhoods, workplaces, and social circles.
  • Use disguises if necessary: Hats, sunglasses, and other accessories to alter your look.

Legal and Professional Considerations

  • Avoid using your new identity for illegal activities: This can attract law enforcement attention.
  • Maintain a low-profile job: Choose occupations that don’t require extensive background checks or high visibility.
  • Keep a lawyer on retainer For any legal issues with your new identity.

Following these detailed steps can significantly increase your chances of staying hidden and living a new life free from scrutiny.

Risks of Disappearing and How to Minimize Them


Ensure you have a solid plan. Without necessary precautions, your chances of being found increase. Create a detailed checklist of all the steps you must take and adhere to it strictly.

  • Research and Preparation: Spend considerable time researching and planning every detail of your disappearance.
  • Backup Plans: Have contingency plans in place if your primary plan fails.

Financial Security

You’ll need a significant amount of money to start over. Avoid falling into debt or criminal activity to make ends meet.

  • Savings: Accumulate sufficient savings before disappearing.
  • Steady Income: Find a low-profile job that doesn’t attract attention.
  • Offshore Accounts: Use offshore accounts to keep your money safe and accessible.

Avoiding Discovery

There’s always a risk of being discovered by friends or family members. They could track you and ruin your plans if you’re not careful.

  • Cutting Ties: Avoid contact with anyone from your past life.
  • New Social Circles: Build new relationships that don’t connect to your old identity.
  • Change of Appearance: Alter your physical appearance to avoid recognition.

Legal Implications

Disappearing and creating a new identity can have legal consequences.

  • Legal Advice: Consult a lawyer to understand the legal implications and avoid pitfalls.
  • Avoid Illegal Activities: Ensure your new identity and actions are within the bounds of the law.

Emotional and Psychological Challenges

Disappearing can be emotionally and psychologically taxing.

  • Mental Health Support: Consider seeking support from mental health professionals.
  • Building a New Life: Focus on creating a fulfilling new life to mitigate feelings of isolation and loss.

Minimizing Risks

Choose your new identity wisely, with no ties to your old life. Be discreet when setting up your new life, revealing little information online. Have a solid financial plan to reduce the risk of debt or criminal activity.

  • Thorough Background Check: Ensure your new identity is clean and untraceable.
  • Discretion: Keep your new life low-profile and avoid unnecessary risks.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Regularly check for potential exposure or threats to your new identity.

What to Do if Someone Discovers Your True Identity

Protect Yourself

If someone discovers your true identity, protect yourself and your loved ones. You may need to obtain a new identity again, which can be done by applying for a new driver’s license or passport or contacting a company specializing in new identities.

  • Relocation: Consider moving to a new location immediately.
  • New Identity: Start the process of obtaining a new identity once more.
  • Increased Security: Heighten security measures to protect yourself.

Safeguard Personal Information

Change passwords and encrypt computer files. Consider hiring a consultant to help you protect yourself and your family. Regularly update your security measures to stay ahead of potential threats.

  • Data Encryption: Use strong encryption for all digital data.
  • Secure Communication: Use encrypted communication tools for all interactions.
  • Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular audits to ensure your security measures are effective.


Disappearing is not easy, but with preparation, it can be successful. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth transition to a new life, free from scrutiny. If you need advice on how to get a new identity and disappear forever, contact our experts at Amicus International Consulting today for a free consultation.

If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.