How a Fugitive Escapes

by | Jul 9, 2022 | Fugitive, how a fugitive hide, international fugitive, New Identity

The Challenges and Solutions of Starting Over with a New Identity

With their grim expressions and lengthy jail sentences, rogue accountants, lawyers, and hedge fund managers often face dire consequences. However, a new identity, identity change, and identity protection can offer a way out. Some individuals have managed to evade the law by disappearing legally and ensuring a safe disappearance. Let’s explore how fugitives use new identities, the process of creating a new legal identity, and the steps involved in achieving this transformation.

The Allure of a New Identity

A minor plastic surgery and a substantial sum of money can buy a fugitive a new life on an Indian Ocean archipelago. Many places lack extradition treaties with the US, making them safe havens. Despite the increase in criminal probes against plutocrats, few consider fleeing due to fear and the extensive reach of modern technology.

In today’s interconnected world, hiding comfortably is increasingly difficult. North Korea and the tribal territories of western Pakistan are out of reach of the law, but the lifestyle there is far from luxurious. Vic O’Boyski, a retired US marshal, explains the challenges: “No phone calls, no mail, no Facebook, no money.” Without a solid escape strategy, survival as a fugitive is nearly impossible.

Historical Escapes and Modern Challenges

The life of a fugitive was more straightforward in the past. For instance, a stock scammer, Robert Vesco, arrived in Costa Rica in 1972. He donated $2.1 million to a company linked to President Nixon and waited until Costa Rica approved a law prohibiting his extradition. Today, however, Costa Rica and many other popular destinations have extradition treaties with the US, making them less viable for fugitives.

Some of the most successful fugitives are high-end career criminals. James “Whitey” Bulger Jr., the leader of Boston’s Winter Hill Gang, vanished in 1995 and has not been seen since. According to O’Boyski, Bulger blends in effortlessly, “He puts on a pea cap and picks up his shillelagh, and he’s just one of a thousand old Irish fellas.”

Political Fugitives and Their Evasions

Political assailants often commit crimes like bombings and bank heists before disappearing. Sara Jane Olson, a Symbionese Liberation Army bank robber, lived as a middle-class mother in Minnesota for 26 years before serving seven years in prison. White-collar fugitives, on the other hand, are less remarkable and more challenging to hide. A retired FBI agent, Joe Judge, describes them as “just bad assassins.”

Many white-collar criminals believe they are too intelligent to be convicted. They assume they can persuade jurors if allowed to testify. However, Daniel C. Richman, a former federal prosecutor, explains, “It’s incredible how many people don’t comprehend their dilemma.”

Case Studies of Notable Fugitives

Some individuals have managed to evade capture for years. Marc Rich, a commodities trader, sought sanctuary in Switzerland in 1983 after being indicted by prosecutor Rudolph W. Giuliani. Rich received a pardon from President Bill Clinton in 2001, hours before Clinton left office.

Jacob (Kobi) Alexander, an Israeli-American businessman, fled to Namibia in 2006 after being charged with wire and securities fraud. Namibia, which lacks an extradition treaty with the US, became his sanctuary. Alexander supported scholarships and built low-income solar-powered structures in Windhoek while living in a luxurious mansion.

Sholam Weiss, a Brooklyn plumber turned financial fraudster, fled to Brazil in 1999 while on trial in Florida. He lived a lavish lifestyle, even hosting a four-day bar mitzvah for his son in New York City. However, Weiss’s attempt to impregnate a Brazilian woman to avoid extradition ultimately failed. He was apprehended in Austria and sentenced to prison until November 23, 2754.

The Complexities of New Identity Creation

Creating a new identity is an intricate and demanding process that requires meticulous planning and execution. The most minor oversight can lead to catastrophic failure, resulting in capture and prosecution. Here, we delve into the key aspects contributing to the complexities of new identity creation, highlighting the steps, risks, and essential considerations.

Legal Documentation

One of the first and most crucial steps in creating a new identity is obtaining legitimate legal documentation. This includes birth certificates, social security numbers, passports, and driver’s licenses. These documents must be authentic and verifiable to withstand scrutiny from authorities. The process of acquiring such documentation often involves:

  • Research: Identifying the best jurisdictions and sources for obtaining genuine documents. This might include exploiting legal loopholes or finding regions with lax enforcement.
  • Connections: Contact individuals with the expertise and resources to provide legitimate documents. This network may include lawyers, government officials, and document forgers.
  • Verification: Ensuring that all documents are consistent and can pass background checks. Any discrepancies can raise red flags and lead to exposure.

Financial Footprint

A clean and credible financial footprint must support a new identity. This involves:

  • Bank Accounts: Setting up new bank accounts in the new identity’s name, often in offshore banks that provide a high level of confidentiality.
  • Credit History: Building a new credit history that reflects consistent and lawful financial behaviour. This can be challenging, requiring time and careful management to avoid suspicion.
  • Assets and Investments: Transferring or acquiring assets in the new identity’s name without triggering alarms. This might include property, stocks, and other investments.

Digital Presence

In today’s digital age, an individual’s online presence is critical to their identity. Creating a new digital footprint involves:

  • Social Media: Establish and maintain authentic social media profiles with a history of interactions. This helps create a believable persona.
  • Online Activities: Engaging in activities that align with the new identity’s background and interests. This includes participating in forums, joining groups, and making online purchases.
  • Privacy Measures: Advanced privacy measures protect new identities from being linked to old ones. These measures include using encrypted communication channels, avoiding traceable transactions, and regularly monitoring for potential breaches.

Personal Appearance and Behavior

Adopting a new identity often requires changes in appearance and behaviour to avoid recognition. This might involve:

  • Physical Changes: Undergoing minor plastic surgeries, changing hairstyles, or adopting new fashion styles to alter one’s appearance.
  • Behavioural Adjustments: Learning new habits, mannerisms, and accents consistent with the new identity. This can be particularly challenging and requires significant effort to maintain.

Psychological Impact

The process of identity change can have a profound psychological impact. Maintaining a new identity requires constant vigilance and can lead to stress and paranoia. Key psychological challenges include:

  • Secrecy: The need to hide one’s true identity from everyone, including new acquaintances and even close relationships, can lead to isolation and loneliness.
  • Constant Fear: The perpetual fear of being discovered can cause anxiety and impact mental health. It’s crucial to develop coping mechanisms and possibly seek psychological support.
  • Loss of Self: Adopting a new identity can lead to loss and confusion about one’s true self. This can affect decision-making and overall well-being.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

While creating a new identity can offer a way to escape legal issues, it also involves significant legal and ethical challenges. These include:

  • Legality: Ensuring that the process of identity change does not involve illegal activities, such as document forgery or identity theft. Seeking legal loopholes and legitimate means is essential.
  • Ethical Dilemmas: Balancing the need for a new identity with moral considerations, such as the potential impact on others and the morality of escaping justice.

Expert Assistance

Given the complexities involved, seeking expert assistance is crucial. Professional consulting firms like Amicus International Consulting provide the necessary expertise and resources to navigate this intricate process. Their services include:

  • Consultation: Offering personalized advice based on individual circumstances and legal requirements.
  • Documentation Services: Assisting in obtaining genuine legal documents that can withstand scrutiny.
  • Financial and Digital Strategy: Helping to establish a credible financial footprint and digital presence.
  • Psychological Support: Providing access to mental health professionals to help cope with the stress and psychological impact of identity change.

By understanding and addressing these complexities, individuals can increase their chances of successfully creating and maintaining a new identity. Whether for personal safety, escaping legal issues, or starting afresh, a new identity offers a pathway to freedom and a new beginning.

If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.