How do Governments Exploit the Extradition Treaty Process


Extradition is crucial for maintaining international law and order, ensuring criminals cannot escape justice by crossing borders. However, powerful nations, like the United States, increasingly use extradition as a political tool. This misuse raises concerns about protecting human rights and the integrity of international legal frameworks. One prominent example is Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, who faced over a decade of detention and legal battles.

The Case of Julian Assange

Julian Assange became famous through WikiLeaks, exposing classified information and US government actions that violated human rights and international laws. His disclosures led to intense scrutiny and efforts by the US to bring him to justice under the guise of national security.

In December 2010, Assange surrendered to the London Metropolitan Police. He sought political asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he stayed for seven years before London police arrested him in 2019. The prospect of his extradition to the US to face espionage charges has been contentious, raising questions about the true intentions behind such legal maneuvers.

The Role of Extradition Treaties

Extradition treaties are formal agreements between countries to hand over individuals accused or convicted of serious crimes. These treaties ensure fugitives cannot evade justice by fleeing to another jurisdiction. However, the US often exploits these treaties for political purposes.

United Nations Model Law on Extradition

In 2004, the United Nations formulated a Model Law on Extradition to provide a standardized approach to handling requests. Section 4(1) of the Model Law specifies that extradition should not apply to individuals accused of political offences. Article 3 of the United Nations Model Treaty on Extradition also states that extradition should be refused if the offence is political or the request is based on the suspect’s political opinions. These provisions underline the international consensus that political and criminal offences must be distinctly separated in the context of extradition.

The Hong Kong Context

Before the 1997 handover, Hong Kong enacted the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance. This law excluded political offences from extradition procedures and provided safeguards to ensure that individuals were not extradited based on political beliefs. Despite these protections, the 2019 Extradition Bill sparked significant unrest in Hong Kong. It highlighted the delicate balance between legal processes and political agendas.

Interpol Red Notices: A Tool for International Justice or Political Manipulation?

Interpol Red Notices play a crucial role in the extradition process. These notices alert member countries about individuals wanted for prosecution or to serve a sentence. While Red Notices are not international arrest warrants, they serve as requests for cooperation in locating and detaining suspects pending extradition.

Unfortunately, various governments often exploit Red Notices to target political dissidents and opponents.

Case Studies Involving Interpol Red Notices

Alexander Barankov

Alexander Barankov, an ex-Belarusian military officer, fled to Ecuador and received asylum after exposing corruption in Belarus. In 2012, Belarus issued an Interpol Red Notice, leading to his arrest in Ecuador. Despite the political nature of his case, the Ecuadorian authorities initially moved to extradite him. International pressure eventually led to his release.

Dolkun Isa

Dolkun Isa, a Uighur activist, faced repeated issues due to Chinese-issued Red Notices. Despite his work being recognized internationally as a human rights advocate, China used Interpol’s system to try and have him detained.

Rafaa Toufik Yazid

Rafaa Toufik Yazid, an Algerian journalist and blogger, was targeted by an Interpol Red Notice issued by the Algerian government in response to his critical articles about the government. Yazid’s case drew significant attention from human rights organizations, leading to debates over the misuse of Interpol’s system.

Implications of Misusing Extradition Treaties and Red Notices

The misuse of extradition treaties and Interpol Red Notices has far-reaching implications:

Erosion of Trust in International Institutions

When powerful nations misuse legal instruments for political ends, it undermines the credibility of international organizations and agreements. This erosion of trust can lead to decreased cooperation among countries, making it harder to address genuine transnational crimes.

Human Rights Violations

Using extradition and Red Notices for political purposes often leads to the persecution of individuals based on their beliefs rather than any actual criminal activity. This misuse threatens fundamental human rights and freedoms.

Legal and Diplomatic Tensions

Misusing these legal tools creates tensions between countries and complicates diplomatic relations. Countries may retaliate by suspending extradition treaties or refusing to honour legitimate requests, hindering international cooperation in criminal justice.

The Case of Meng Wanzhou

Another high-profile case illustrating the political use of extradition is that of Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s CFO. In 2018, Canadian authorities arrested Meng at the request of the United States, which sought her extradition on charges related to violating sanctions against Iran. Meng’s arrest and the subsequent legal battles have significantly strained US-China and Canada-China relations.

The US’s request for Meng’s extradition was widely perceived as part of a broader strategy to counter China’s global influence and technological advancements. This perception is bolstered by Meng’s case, which involved complex geopolitical considerations rather than straightforward legal issues.

The US and Its Western Allies

The influence of the US and its Western allies in extradition cannot be overlooked. While China has signed extradition treaties with nearly 50 countries, including European nations like Spain, France, and Italy, the US and the UK have refused to establish such arrangements with China. Furthermore, ten major Western countries, including the US, the UK, and Australia, have suspended previously effective extradition treaties with Hong Kong following the 2019 protests.

This double standard is problematic. Countries that consistently abuse universal extradition principles accuse others of potential abuse and suspend established arrangements. Such actions prioritize political interests over justice and the rule of law, effectively undermining efforts to combat cross-jurisdictional crimes.

The Role of Interpol Red Notices in Political Manipulation

Interpol Red Notices have become another tool for political manipulation. While intended to assist in the location and arrest of individuals wanted for serious crimes, some governments have issued Red Notices against political dissidents and activists. This misuse has drawn criticism from human rights organizations and raised questions about the integrity of Interpol’s processes.

For example, in 2018, Turkish authorities issued Red Notices for individuals allegedly involved in the 2016 coup attempt. However, many of those targeted were political opponents of President Erdogan, leading to accusations that Turkey was using Interpol to silence dissent.


The extradition process and Interpol Red Notices are critical for international law enforcement. However, when these tools are exploited for political purposes, they undermine the principles they are meant to uphold. Cases like Julian Assange, Meng Wanzhou, and others highlight the dangers of using legal instruments as political weapons.

The international community must work towards ensuring that extradition treaties and Interpol Red Notices are used solely for their intended purpose: to bring serious criminals to justice while safeguarding human rights and political freedoms. As long as powerful nations prioritize their political agendas over universal standards of justice, the integrity of the international legal system remains at risk.

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