How To Leave The U.S. In 2024 In 8 Easy Steps

by | Jan 13, 2023 | Anonymous Travel, leave the US., live anonymously

Steps to Leave the United States in 2024


There are many ways to leave the United States or any other country. In 2024, here are eight steps to consider.

Here’s what you need to know to leave:


  1. Get a Passport with a New Identity: Secure a passport under a new identity before you attempt to leave. This is crucial because once you are flagged in the system, it becomes nearly impossible to obtain a legitimate passport.
  2. Find a Way to Leave the Country: Choose your exit mode carefully. Whether by land, sea, or air, each method has its advantages and risks. For example, leaving by land may allow less scrutiny than by air.
  3. Choose Your Destination Wisely: Ensure it’s a country without an extradition treaty with the country you are leaving. Countries like Russia, China, and Cuba might be potential options as they often resist extradition requests.
  4. Go Underground: Don’t tell anyone your plans; lay low before leaving. Use cash-only transactions and avoid creating any digital footprint.
  5. Ensure Your IDs Are Authentic: Fake IDs can cause severe problems crossing borders. Invest in high-quality, legitimate identification documents to avoid detection.
  6. Cut Ties to Your Old Life: This includes family, friends, and social media accounts. Any connection to your past can be a vulnerability.
  7. Start Planning Today: The sooner you start, the better prepared you’ll be when the time comes. This involves researching laws, setting up new financial accounts, and learning about your new home.
  8. Consider the Consequences: Carefully consider the implications before becoming a fugitive. Understand that this is a permanent decision with long-lasting effects.

Government Wants You for a Crime You Didn’t Commit

After being wrongly accused, you discover the government is actively searching for you. Depending on the situation and country, extradition may be possible if an extradition treaty exists. Understanding your rights and familiarizing yourself with extradition laws is crucial to protect against wrongful prosecution.

Facing Legal Litigation

Facing litigation for a crime you did not commit is harrowing, especially with false evidence against you. Legal statutes of limitations might be on your side, but they vary by region and circumstance. Use this time to collect evidence to disprove accusations against you, which may allow for legal protection and exoneration.

Organize Your Assets

Begin by listing your assets, such as real estate, precious metals, and money in IRAs. Knowing each asset’s exact location and condition is crucial for future planning. Here are detailed steps to manage your assets effectively:

  1. Evaluate Your Real Estate: Assess the value and condition of any real estate properties you own. Decide whether to sell, lease, or maintain them remotely. Selling properties before you leave can provide you with liquid assets, while leasing can offer a steady income stream.
  2. Convert Precious Metals: If you own gold, silver, or other precious metals, consider converting them into a more portable form, like coins or certificates. Storing these in a secure location abroad or converting them to liquid assets can ensure you have access to funds when needed.
  3. Accessing IRAs and Retirement Funds: Investigate the penalties and processes of accessing your retirement funds early. Consider transferring these funds to international accounts or converting them into other assets that are easier to access while abroad.
  4. Liquid Assets and Cash: Ensure you have enough cash for immediate expenses. Distribute your liquid assets across multiple locations and forms, such as prepaid cards, to reduce the risk of total loss.

Opening an International Bank Account

Opening an international bank account is essential for those starting new lives abroad. Offshore accounts offer numerous benefits, including asset protection and financial privacy. Here are steps to successfully open and manage an international bank account:

  1. Choose the Right Bank: To avoid IRS scrutiny, select a bank with no ties to the U.S. Research banks in countries known for their banking privacy, such as Switzerland, Singapore, or the Cayman Islands.
  2. Meet Account Requirements: Understand the chosen bank’s documentation and minimum deposit requirements. These often include proof of identity, address, and sometimes a reference from another bank.
  3. Use a Non-U.S. Identity: Due to FATCA, many offshore banks hesitate to deal with U.S. citizens. Using a non-U.S. identity can help you bypass these restrictions. Ensure all documents for your new identity are legitimate and consistent.
  4. Diversify Your Accounts: Open multiple accounts in different banks and countries to spread risk. This ensures that you still have access to your account if one is compromised.
  5. Consider Currency Diversification: Holding accounts in different currencies can protect you against currency fluctuations and economic instability in any country.
  6. Manage Your Account Securely: Use encrypted communication methods and VPNs to maintain privacy and security when accessing your accounts online.

Investing in Cryptocurrency and Gold

If you’re on the run, your financial assets might be inaccessible without prior planning. Investing in cryptocurrency and gold is ideal as they aren’t dependent on banks or governments. Here’s how you can effectively invest in these assets:

  1. Cryptocurrency:
    • Choose Secure Wallets: Store your cryptocurrency in secure, private wallets rather than on exchanges, which are more vulnerable to hacking and government intervention.
    • Use Privacy Coins: Consider using privacy-focused cryptocurrencies like Monero or Zcash, which offer enhanced anonymity compared to Bitcoin.
    • Diversify Your Portfolio: Spread your investments across multiple cryptocurrencies to mitigate risk.
    • Stay Updated on Regulations: Keep abreast of international regulations concerning cryptocurrency to avoid legal pitfalls.
  2. Gold:
    • Buy Physical Gold: Physical gold, such as coins or bars, is a tangible asset that can be easily transported and traded.
    • Store Gold Securely: Use secure storage facilities in multiple countries to reduce the risk of losing all your assets in one go.
    • Consider Gold Certificates: If transporting physical gold is impractical, gold certificates can serve as proof of ownership and are easier to carry.

Fleeing America to Avoid Capture

Law enforcement officials actively look for indicted fugitives. To avoid being captured, maintain a low profile by avoiding public places and minimizing contact with others. Here are detailed steps to successfully flee and remain undetected:

  1. Plan Your Escape Route: Choose less monitored routes, such as remote border crossings or private transport options like chartered boats or flights. Avoid major airports and busy land crossings.
  2. Use Disguises and False Trails: Change your appearance frequently and create false trails to confuse potential trackers. Use decoy travel plans and misinformation to throw off pursuers.
  3. Employ Counter-Surveillance Techniques: Learn and use basic counter-surveillance techniques to identify and evade potential followers. Change your routines and travel routes regularly.
  4. Stay in Low-Profile Locations: Avoid large cities and tourist hotspots with higher surveillance. Opt for rural or remote areas where you can blend in with the local population.
  5. Limit Communication: Use encrypted communication methods and avoid making calls or sending messages that can be traced. Consider using burner phones and secure messaging apps.
  6. Secure Financial Independence: Ensure you have enough funds in multiple locations and forms to avoid drawing attention when accessing your money.

Anonymous Travel

Finding ways to travel anonymously is crucial for fugitive travellers. Here are several strategies to ensure your movements remain undetected:

  1. Use Multiple Tactics: Digital encryption and online anonymity tools are essential. Use VPNs to hide your IP address and encrypt your internet traffic. Consider using the Tor network for secure and anonymous browsing.
  2. Familiarize Yourself with Customs Laws: Research customs regulations in different countries to avoid drawing attention. Some countries have more relaxed entry requirements, making it easier to slip through unnoticed.
  3. Alternate Payment Methods: Use prepaid cards or cryptocurrency to avoid leaving a financial trail. Prepaid cards can be purchased with cash and used for travel expenses, while cryptocurrencies offer a decentralized and often untraceable payment method.
  4. Avoid Major Transportation Hubs: Large airports and busy border crossings are more likely to have enhanced security and surveillance. Opt for smaller, less monitored points of exit where possible.
  5. Blend In with Locals: Dress and act like a local to avoid standing out. Learn basic phrases and customs in the local language to better assimilate.
  6. Change Your Appearance: Small changes like altering your hairstyle, wearing different clothing styles, and using makeup can help you avoid recognition.
  7. Minimize Digital Footprint: Avoid using social media, email, or any digital platforms that can track your location. If necessary, use secure, encrypted communication methods.
  8. Research Alternate Routes: Explore unconventional travel routes that might not be as heavily monitored. Overland routes through remote areas can sometimes be safer than direct flights.
  9. Travel Light: Avoid carrying large amounts of luggage, which can attract attention. Pack only the essentials and be ready to move quickly if needed.
  10. Secure Your Devices: Ensure your electronic devices are encrypted and have strong passwords. Disable location services and remove any apps that could track your movements.

By carefully planning and utilizing these strategies, you can increase your chances of travelling anonymously and avoiding detection.

Starting a New Life in Another Country

Adapting to a new country without knowledge of local customs, language, or culture can be disorienting. Here’s how you can start your new life successfully:

  1. Create a New Identity: Obtain new travel documents and memorize new details about yourself. Your new identity should be robust enough to withstand background checks.
  2. Understand Local Laws and Culture: Learn about the local laws, customs, and cultural norms. This knowledge will help you blend in and avoid unwanted attention from the authorities or locals.
  3. Find Safe Housing: Choose housing that doesn’t attract attention. To avoid leaving a digital trail, consider renting through local agents rather than international platforms.
  4. Secure Employment: Find work that allows you to remain low-key. Jobs that require minimal interaction with authorities or high public profiles are ideal. Consider cash-based employment or remote work opportunities.
  5. Build a Support Network: Connect with locals who can help you adapt and provide guidance. Joining community groups or local organizations can help you establish a support network.
  6. Learn the Language: Invest time in learning the local language. This will help you blend in and make everyday tasks more accessible and less conspicuous.
  7. Maintain a Low Profile: Avoid activities that draw attention. Stay away from areas frequented by tourists and expatriates to maintain anonymity.
  8. Monitor Your Health: Ensure you have access to healthcare without revealing your true identity. Learn about local healthcare services and consider using private clinics.

These steps can create a stable and secure new life in another country.

Adapting to New Surroundings

Creating a new identity is just the beginning. Adapting to your new surroundings requires ongoing effort:

  1. Change Your Appearance: Modify your hairstyle, dress style, and overall look to fit in with the local population. This helps you avoid recognition and blend in more seamlessly.
  2. Develop a Backstory: Craft a convincing backstory that explains your presence and avoids raising suspicions. Be prepared to answer questions about your past in a way that aligns with your new identity.
  3. Embrace Local Customs: Participate in local traditions and customs to better integrate into the community. This will help you gain acceptance and reduce the chances of standing out.
  4. Learn and Use the Local Language: Communicate in the local language as much as possible. This will help you fit in and prevent misunderstandings and potential conflicts.
  5. Build New Relationships Carefully: Form new friendships and connections slowly and cautiously. Trust is built over time, and revealing too much too soon can be risky.
  6. Stay Informed: Follow local news and events to stay aware of any changes that might affect you. Understanding the local political and social climate can help you navigate your new life more effectively.
  7. Stay Financially Secure: Ensure you have access to your financial resources and manage them wisely. Avoid drawing large sums of money that might attract attention.
  8. Practice Good Security Habits: Regularly change passwords, use encrypted communication methods, and stay vigilant about your digital footprint. These habits help protect your identity and personal information.

Finding Happiness in Your New Home

Despite challenges, you can find solace in your new home. Settling down might seem impossible, but with the help of allies, you can build a home and start anew. Embrace the unknown road ahead and trust that good things are in store for your future.


Contact the Professionals if you are facing charges for a crime you did not commit. We have the experience and resources to help you clear your name and start fresh. This article is for informational purposes only and does not encourage illegal acts. For assistance in transitioning to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.


If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.