The Exodus of Evaporated people from Japanese Civilization

by | Jun 26, 2022 | Anonymous Living, disappear completely, New Identity

A mass exodus of people may have evaporated from Japanese civilization.


There are companies in Japan to help people evaporate after one night:


Exposing the negative aspects of a stressful culture The phrase is johatsu, which means “evaporated people” in Japanese.



The Japanese language has a nominative term called Jouhatsu, which translates to “evaporated person,” to describe these self-disappearing residents.

Numerous Japanese residents have started abandoning their official identities. Looking for safety in the anonymous world. The embarrassment of a lost job, broken marriage, or increasing debt torments them. They join the legions of evaporated people.

According to a recently released book by French author-photographer duo  Mauger and Staphane Remael titled “The Vanished: The ‘Evaporated People’ of Japan in Stories and Photographs,” this is the case.

The characters in the book’s vignettes have run away from modern civilization in search of a more discreet, less shameful life.

Beginning in 2008, Mauger and Remael travelled extensively around Japan for five years while gaining the respect of the populace and learning about the alarming trend.

Aside from ex-lovers and homemakers, they also encountered the relatives of individuals who vanished.

The government does not officially track the issue, but according to the researchers’ research, more than 100,000 people “disappear” every year.

“I was so sick of the interactions in my immediate environment.”Sugimoto (42 years old), a Japanese Jouhatsu, stated, “So I took my little luggage and vanished.”

Sugimoto was the proprietor of a well-known local store at the residence before his abrupt disappearance.

Sugimoto wants to shrug off the boss role because it makes him feel stressed and miserable. After some thought, he chose to go without telling his wife or kids and without setting a return date.

Japan is a nation that satisfies all criteria.

They developed a “night streaming service” for bored clients like Sugimoto who wish to escape from life. As the name implies, this service discreetly assists clients in vanishing at night without a trace.

People who avoid paying their debts, getting married, being tracked, or going to work or school.

The nightly streaming service in Japan is committed to providing. It never inquires into the client’s motivations for wanting to vanish; instead, it swiftly identifies suitable locations.

It must be a location where their clients may dwell in peace and anonymity until they get bored.

The overnight vaporization service assists the client in vanishing after deciding on the final destination. They use transportation trucks and stealthily remove the customer and all of their belongings under the cover of the night.

A range of clients

According to Sho Hatori, the head of a “missing support” company established in Japan in the 1990s, most people who want vaping services at night are doing so to achieve a positive aim, such as leaving to attend college, find a new job, or get married to a real lover.

But occasionally, it’s also due to unfortunate circumstances, such as leaving college early, being unemployed, or staying away from one’s spouse and kids.

After the Bubble Period, Japan had a recession in the 1990s (1986-1991). Many firms and companies filed for bankruptcy, and many borrowers missed debt payments.

If Hatori activates the evaporation service overnight, he anticipates only receiving requests from those looking to pay off debt.

After some time in use, Hatori understood why the Japanese decided to evaporate so much.

Up to 20% of consumers at Yonigeya TS Corporation, a network of vaping support services with 22 locations around Japan, are reportedly victims of domestic abuse.

They are primarily wives who experience maltreatment from their husbands.

Even Miho Saita, president of Yonigeya TS Corporation (49 years old). She started a business about the same time as Hatori despite being frequently abused by her husband and unable to bear to leave the house.

The primary motivation for the other 80% of Jouhatsu is to stay out of debt from their gambling.

The next step is to conceal the stalker and the unpleasant reality. “Except for wanted criminals, we do not judge the cause for the customer’s desire to disappear, nor do we refuse anyone,” Miho stated.

The cost is high.

The proprietor of Yonigeya TS Corporation typically receives ten inquiries daily for evaporation-related advice. She offers between 100 and 150 Jouhatsu each year.

Nighttime evaporation services cost between 50,000 and 300,000 yen per person (equivalent to 11-65 million VND).

Customers of evaporation are promised lifetime confidentiality of their personal information and location.

Privacy is unassailable in Japan. Police have access to people’s private information in accidents, murders, and crimes.

A Japanese woman who has a kid named Jouhatsu, 22, whispered, “I’m astonished.” He has experienced two layoffs. He must have gone through much pain to make such a wrong choice.

She went to the police station, but they could not assist her because of privacy laws.

“Unfortunately, the boy dies; I only have one right to confirm the face under the current laws,” she said. Japan has 82,000 persons listed as missing as of 2015 statistics.


All the kidnapping and murder victims, except a handful, are Jouhatsu. In Japan, many people disappear each year.

They currently have an estimated 100,000 Jouhatsu/ evaporated people. According to Japanese sociologist Hiroki Nakamori, “Families that have lost someone can only choose 1 of 2 solutions: Hire a private investigator to seek or wait.”

Some Jouhatsu profess to be incredibly sorry despite self-evaporating. Sugimoto stated, “I’ve been away from home for a year. “I lied to my wife and kids, telling them I was on business.

The Jouhatsu may or may not automatically reappear after a period of disappearance. Regardless of their decision, the nighttime vaporization service ensures enduring confidentiality.

The “evaporation” is more of an administrative disappearance; none of these folks disappear physically. They just acquire a new identity.

The jouhatsu – evaporated people choose to alter their names, addresses, and professional affiliations, much like the Witness Protection Program in the US.

They can virtually start over.

Public Radio International says this escape from Japan can be surprisingly simple.

Japan’s privacy regulations significantly increase the freedom to keep one’s whereabouts private.

Family members cannot search financial records, and the police can only access personal information in criminal instances.

The disappearing acts result from Japan’s urge to seem respectable, Mauger explained to The New York Post in December.

Mauger remarked, “It’s so taboo. “You definitely shouldn’t talk about it. However, there is another society under Japanese society. Thus, people can vanish.

They are aware that they can survive if people vanish.” The 1967 movie A Guy Vanishes, in which a man unexpectedly departs behind his job and girlfriend to disappear, suggests that the Johatsu instances started in the late 1960s.

According to Yale political science student Hikaru Yamagishi, in the 1970s, there were increasing cases of young, rural-bred workers fleeing arduous professions in big cities.

One of the men Mauger and Remael encountered said that it was his responsibility to relocate this johatsu to distant towns and cities during the 1990s.

He referred to himself and others like him as “night movers.” Their duty was to transport people in the dark to new, secret locales.

According to PRI, such night moves had a rise during the 1990s.

Many people were searching for an escape as the economy crumbled. Mauger told PRI, “It’s a bizarre thing, but disappearance became a business then.

Mauger and Remael also discuss the cherished ones left behind in their book.

The family of missing persons frequently expressed their regret that the disappeared person felt such embarrassment.

There are additional ways in which the urge to maintain face in Japan shows up. For instance, the word “karoshi” in Japanese may indicate suicides brought on by overwork.

In a poll of 10,000 people conducted in October of last year, 20% of respondents stated they work at least 80 hours of overtime each month.

Most respondents said they no longer take paid vacations.

In recent months, the Japanese government has made modest efforts to lower the number of karoshi incidents, such as encouraging businesses to let their employees work less on Fridays.

However, experts claim that because of the strong work culture, many people still believe that the drawbacks of dropping out outweigh the incentives.

Unless they follow the example of Johatsu and permanently leave, that is.