Unmasking the Dark Underworld: Illegal Hospitals and Organized Crime in the Philippines


The Philippines has become a focal point in the fight against organized crime. Authorities have uncovered illegal hospitals providing unauthorized medical services. These underground facilities, linked to the Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGOs) industry, offer cosmetic surgery and other treatments to fugitives and unlicensed workers. Consequently, this discovery highlights the lengths criminals will go to evade justice and maintain their illicit activities.

The POGO Industry and Its Criminal Connections

The POGO industry, primarily employing Chinese nationals and catering to gamblers in mainland China, has attracted criminal activities. In addition to providing employment, POGOs flourished under former President Rodrigo Duterte’s strategy to foster friendly ties with China. However, the industry soon became synonymous with illegal activities, including online scams, human trafficking, and now, illegal medical practices.

The Discovery of Illegal Hospitals

The Pasay City Raid

In May, the Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commission (PAOCC) raided an illegal hospital in Pasay City, Manila’s southern suburbs. This raid exposed the extent of illegal medical operations in the country. The facility had advanced medical equipment, including hair transplant tools, dental implants, and skin-whitening IV drips. According to Winston John Casio, a PAOCC spokesman, the hospital could transform a person’s appearance to the point of being unrecognizable. Furthermore, authorities also seized a hemodialysis machine, indicating a range of treatments beyond cosmetic procedures.

Clues Leading to Discovery

This discovery resulted from meticulous intelligence work and a tip-off from an informant. The hospital operated clandestinely, blending into its surroundings with an exterior resembling a typical clinic. Inside, however, it housed sophisticated technology and operated with the involvement of experienced medical professionals.

The Extent of the Operations

Additional Illegal Hospitals

Authorities believe the Pasay City hospital is just the tip of the iceberg. Moreover, two more illegal hospitals, each significantly larger, are under surveillance and could be shut down soon. These facilities cater primarily to Chinese nationals involved in the POGO sector. As a result, POGOs have been linked to numerous criminal activities, including telephone scams, human trafficking, and now aiding fugitives in evading arrest through cosmetic surgery.

A Highly Organized Network

The illegal hospitals are suspected to be four times larger than the one discovered in Pasay City. This indicates a highly organized network operating with considerable resources. These facilities provide medical services to POGO workers, many of whom are in the country illegally. They also offer services aimed at altering appearances to evade law enforcement. Consequently, this highlights the extensive and organized nature of these illegal operations.

The Mechanics of Illegal Hospitals

Staff and Operations

The raided hospital in Pasay City operated with a disturbing degree of sophistication. Additionally, it employed three doctors—two from Vietnam and one from China—a Chinese pharmacist and a Vietnamese nurse, none licensed to practice in the Philippines. These clandestine clinics do not require proper identification from their patients. As a result, this allows fugitives and undocumented persons to receive medical services without scrutiny. Casio explained, “You could be a fugitive, or you could be an undocumented person in the Philippines,” highlighting the lack of regulatory oversight in these operations.

Regulatory Lapses

The facility’s ability to operate undetected for an extended period points to significant regulatory enforcement and oversight lapses. This lack of regulation endangers public health and facilitates criminal networks. The hospital’s operations included a range of procedures, from minor cosmetic enhancements to more complex surgeries. Consequently, this underscores the depth of illegal medical practices within the POGO industry.

Case Studies Highlighting the Issue

Andy Chen’s Disguise

In December 2022, immigration officials arrested Andy Chen, a suspected Chinese mafia member with links to human trafficking and the POGO industry. Chen had undergone cosmetic surgery to conceal his identity and evade detection. This case underscores the lengths criminals will go to avoid capture and these illegal hospitals’ critical role in facilitating such transformations.

Chen’s case highlights the sophisticated measures criminals employ to evade law enforcement. His ability to undergo multiple surgeries undetected speaks to the efficiency and secrecy of these illegal medical operations. Furthermore, the involvement of highly skilled, albeit unlicensed, medical professionals further complicates efforts to dismantle these networks.

The Porac Raid

In June, police raided a POGO compound in Porac, Pampanga province, rescuing 150 Chinese nationals trafficked to work in scam centers. Authorities uncovered torture devices and other equipment used to control and exploit these workers. As a result, this raid highlighted the severe human rights abuses occurring within the POGO industry and the connection between illegal medical facilities and broader criminal activities.

The Porac raid revealed the brutal conditions under which trafficked workers are held. Furthermore, it showed the lengths criminal organizations go to maintain control over their operations. The discovery of torture devices and other control mechanisms indicates a systematic approach to exploitation. Workers are treated as commodities rather than individuals.

The Broader Implications

Law Enforcement Challenges

The existence of these underground hospitals has severe implications for law enforcement. In December 2022, immigration officials arrested a suspected Chinese mafia member who had undergone plastic surgery to evade detection. Such cases underscore authorities’ challenges in tracking and apprehending criminals who use medical alterations to change their identities.

Government Crackdown

While lucrative, the POGO industry has also brought many problems to the Philippines. POGOs cater to gamblers in mainland China, where gambling is illegal, and have been used as fronts for various criminal enterprises. Under current President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., a concerted effort has been to crack down on POGOs and their associated illegal activities. The president is determined to prevent the Philippines from being seen as a “scam hub,” directing authorities to target scam operations that have victimized people worldwide.

The Limits of Plastic Surgery: A New Face, Not a New Identity

Biometric Data

Fingerprints remain unchanged regardless of cosmetic alterations. Consequently, law enforcement agencies rely on fingerprints for identification. Moreover, retinal scans are unique to each individual and not alterable through cosmetic surgery. Retinal scans are often used in high-security identification systems and provide an additional layer of security. Furthermore, DNA cannot be changed or disguised through surgery. DNA profiling is a critical tool in modern forensic science.

Official Documentation

Passports and ID Cards require valid identification and verification processes that include biometric data and historical records. Similarly, birth certificates and Social Security numbers are integral parts of identity that are not affected by changes in appearance. Additionally, legal documents, such as criminal records, educational certificates, and employment histories, are tied to official documentation and biometric data.

Digital Footprints

Online activity, including social media profiles, email accounts, and other online activities, leaves a trail that cosmetic surgery cannot erase. Moreover, financial transactions, like bank accounts and credit card usage, are linked to one’s official identity. Furthermore, travel records at border controls are based on passport and biometric scans, not just physical appearance.

Facial Recognition Technology

Advanced algorithms in modern facial recognition systems can detect and match faces despite cosmetic changes. Moreover, historical images allow law enforcement agencies to identify suspects by comparing altered appearances with historical photographs.

Personal History

Personal and professional relationships provide context and continuity to an individual’s identity. Additionally, unique habits, mannerisms, and speech patterns contribute to a person’s recognizable identity.

Law Enforcement Tactics

Comprehensive investigations use biometric data, digital footprints, and personal history to identify and track individuals. Furthermore, inter-agency collaboration and information sharing between local, national, and international law enforcement agencies enhance the ability to identify individuals despite cosmetic changes.

Legal and Ethical Implications

Using plastic surgery to assume a new identity constitutes identity fraud and carries significant legal penalties. Furthermore, increased surveillance and monitoring of suspicious activities can detect and deter attempts to use cosmetic surgery for identity evasion.

These points illustrate why, despite the transformative potential of cosmetic surgery, it is not a viable solution for creating a new identity that can withstand thorough law enforcement scrutiny.

A Call for Action

Strengthening Regulations

The PAOCC’s discovery of illegal hospitals is a significant step in combating organized crime in the Philippines. However, it also calls for more stringent regulations and law enforcement measures to prevent such operations from flourishing. These facilities indicate a sophisticated network that can operate undetected, suggesting that many more such hospitals may be scattered across the country.

Enhancing Inter-agency Collaboration

Strengthening regulatory frameworks involves stricter licensing requirements for medical facilities, enhanced surveillance, and regular audits to ensure compliance. Additionally, fostering better inter-agency collaboration both within the country and internationally can help share intelligence and coordinate efforts to dismantle these networks.


Uncovering clandestine hospitals linked to the POGO industry in the Philippines reveals a troubling intersection of illegal medical practices and organized crime. These facilities, which provide cosmetic surgery to help fugitives evade capture, pose a serious threat to law enforcement efforts. Cracking down on these illegal hospitals is crucial in the broader fight against organized crime, ensuring that the Philippines does not become a haven for criminals seeking to escape justice through medical alterations.

Moving Forward

As authorities continue to dismantle these underground operations, it is imperative to strengthen regulatory frameworks and enhance inter-agency collaboration. This will not only curb the illegal activities of the POGO sector but also restore the Philippines’ reputation on the global stage. Consequently, the fight against organized crime is ongoing, and uncovering these illegal hospitals is just the beginning.

By addressing the root causes and implementing effective measures, the Philippines can make significant strides in eradicating these illegal operations, protecting its citizens, and upholding the rule of law. The commitment to justice and the rule of law will ensure the country moves forward as a safer and more secure nation.

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