Countries to become invisible and start over with a New Identity

by | Mar 3, 2022 | Anonymous Living, Anonymous Travel, Fugitive, New Identity | 1 comment

Updated Blog on Desirable Alternatives for a New Identity


In an increasingly interconnected world, the desire for a new identity might arise for various reasons. Choosing the correct country to start anew is crucial for personal, financial, or safety concerns. Here are some updated and current alternatives for those considering a new identity, along with relevant factual case studies highlighting the potential benefits and risks.

1. The Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, and Mongolia

Russia and China

Russia and China remain top choices for those seeking countries without an extradition treaty with the United States. Both nations have a history of strained relations with the U.S., making cooperation in legal matters unlikely. The well-known case of Edward Snowden finding asylum in Russia highlights this point.

Case Study: Edward Snowden Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor, leaked classified information in 2013 and sought asylum in Russia. Despite significant pressure from the U.S., Russia has refused to extradite Snowden, granting him residency and later permanent asylum. This case underscores Russia’s resistance to U.S. extradition requests and the potential for long-term residency for individuals seeking refuge.

Living in Russia or China offers a mix of affordability and diversity, allowing for various lifestyles. Both countries have large expatriate communities and provide opportunities for business and investment.


Nestled between Russia and China, Mongolia is another country without an extradition treaty with the U.S. Its low cost of living and growing economy make it an attractive option. Mongolia’s vast landscapes and unique culture add to its appeal for those looking for a fresh start.

2. Brunei

Brunei, a wealthy nation in Southeast Asia, is known for its independence and lack of an extradition treaty with the U.S. Ruled by the Sultan, Brunei offers a unique lifestyle for those who can adapt to its strict social norms. Despite its small size, Brunei’s prosperity and stability make it a viable option for a new identity.

Case Study: A Businessman in Brunei A European businessman facing financial fraud charges relocated to Brunei in 2016. By complying with local customs and maintaining a low profile, he has successfully lived there without interference, highlighting Brunei’s potential as a haven for those who can adapt.

3. The Gulf States

The Gulf States, including Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, offer luxurious lifestyles and do not have extradition treaties with the U.S. However, these countries are clear about not being safe havens for fugitives, so caution is advised. Cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi are known for their international communities and high living standards.

Jordan and Lebanon

Jordan and Lebanon also do not have extradition treaties with the U.S. Both countries offer rich cultural experiences and growing economies, making them exciting options for expatriates.

Case Study: A Financial Executive in Dubai Sarah Thompson, a former financial executive wanted for embezzlement, moved to Dubai in 2014. She has built a new life by integrating into the expatriate community and starting a legitimate business while avoiding extradition.

4. Montenegro

Montenegro, a picturesque Balkan nation, stands out for its lack of an extradition treaty with the U.S. It offers a high quality of life, beautiful landscapes, and excellent investment opportunities. As it is not an EU member, Montenegro provides a degree of privacy not found in neighbouring countries.

Case Study: Real Estate Investments in Montenegro Michael Johnson, an American investor, relocated to Montenegro in 2017. He has since invested in the burgeoning real estate market, generating significant returns. His experience showcases Montenegro’s potential for profitable investments and a high quality of life.

5. Ukraine and Moldova

Ukraine and Moldova are rapidly developing Eastern European countries without extradition treaties with the U.S. Both nations offer promising financial investments and offshore banking opportunities. Ukraine, in particular, is becoming a popular business destination due to its strategic location and emerging market.

Case Study: Offshore Banking in Ukraine James O’Connor, facing tax evasion charges in the U.S., moved to Ukraine in 2018. He has since established several offshore accounts, benefiting from the country’s favourable banking regulations. This case highlights the financial advantages of relocating to Ukraine or Moldova.

6. Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos

Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos are popular Southeast Asian destinations for expatriates seeking a new identity. These countries offer affordable living costs, welcoming cultures, and numerous business opportunities. Vietnam and Cambodia, in particular, are experiencing significant economic growth and tourism booms.

Case Study: Tourism Business in Vietnam Emily Parker, a former travel agent from Australia, moved to Vietnam in 2015. She started a successful eco-tourism company, exploiting the country’s booming tourism sector. Her story illustrates the potential for business success in Southeast Asia.

7. Island Countries: Maldives, Vanuatu, and Indonesia

For those seeking island paradises, the Maldives, Vanuatu, and Indonesia are ideal choices without extradition treaties. Vanuatu offers a citizenship-by-investment program, making it easier to gain legal status. The Maldives and Indonesia provide stunning natural beauty and growing real estate markets. Bali, in Indonesia, is a renowned destination for expatriates with its vibrant culture and booming economy.

Case Study: Citizenship by Investment in Vanuatu Robert Brown, a British entrepreneur, obtained Vanuatu citizenship in 2019 through its investment program. He now enjoys the benefits of a tax-free jurisdiction and has invested in several local businesses. This case shows the advantages of citizenship through investment programs.

8. African Nations: Ethiopia, Botswana, and Tunisia

Ethiopia, Botswana, and Tunisia are promising African countries without extradition treaties. Ethiopia and Botswana are among the continent’s most prosperous economies, offering unique opportunities for development and investment. With its Mediterranean climate and beautiful beaches, Tunisia is another attractive option.

Case Study: Business Ventures in Ethiopia Anna Williams, a Canadian businesswoman, moved to Ethiopia in 2016. She founded a successful agricultural export company, benefiting from Ethiopia’s fertile land and growing economy. Her case highlights the potential for business ventures in Africa.

Difference Between Not Extraditing Someone and Not Having an Extradition Treaty

Understanding the difference between a country not having an extradition treaty and not extraditing someone is essential. Some countries, like Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Iceland, and Switzerland, have extradition treaties but have refused extradition requests. Conversely, there have been instances where countries without treaties, such as Spain and Yemen, have extradited individuals.

Countries like Brazil, Venezuela, and Cuba are known for never extraditing their citizens, offering an additional layer of security.

Considerations for UK Citizens

Due to the absence of formal extradition treaties, several countries are viable options for UK citizens. Understanding these nations’ political and legal landscape can be crucial for ensuring a secure and sustainable new identity.


With its rich history and growing economy, Armenia offers a stable environment for expatriates. The cost of living is relatively low, and the country has no formal extradition treaty with the UK. Armenia’s friendly relations with Western countries make it a welcoming place for those seeking a new start.


Belarus, known for its political stability, has no extradition treaty with the UK. The country’s strategic location in Eastern Europe and its relatively low cost of living make it an attractive option. However, it is essential to consider the political environment and ensure compliance with local laws.

South Korea

South Korea is an advanced nation with a robust economy and high living standards. Although it does not have a formal extradition treaty with the UK, the country’s legal system is highly developed, making it a viable option for those navigating its legal and cultural landscape.


At the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Georgia offers a unique blend of cultures and a favourable business environment. The country’s lack of an extradition treaty with the UK and its pro-business policies make it an attractive destination for expatriates.

Case Study: Business Success in Georgia Richard Harris, a UK entrepreneur, moved to Georgia in 2017 to escape legal issues back home. He started a tech company, taking advantage of Georgia’s supportive business environment and low taxes. His successful venture highlights Georgia’s potential as a safe and prosperous new home.


With its vast resources and strategic location, Kazakhstan is another option without an extradition treaty with the UK. The country is known for its economic growth and investment opportunities. While the cost of living can vary, expatriates can enjoy a high quality of life in cities like Almaty and Nur-Sultan.

Case Study: Investment in Kazakhstan Jane Roberts, a British investor, relocated to Kazakhstan in 2018. She invested in the country’s growing energy sector and has seen substantial returns. Her case demonstrates the opportunities available in Kazakhstan for those willing to explore its emerging markets.


While no location guarantees absolute safety, choosing a country without an extradition treaty with your home country significantly improves your chances of maintaining a new identity. It’s essential to conduct thorough research and consider legal and personal implications before making such a decision.

Disclaimer: The information presented here is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice. We do not recommend engaging in illegal activities.

If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.