Europe’s most wanted Jan Marsalek, using a New Identity

by | Jan 20, 2022 | Anonymous Living, Anonymous Travel, Fugitive, New Identity | 1 comment


Europe’s Most Wanted: Jan Marsalek’s New Identity and Disappearance

Jan Marsalek, the former Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Wirecard AG, remains on Europol’s most sought-after list. His involvement in the massive Wirecard fraud case has led to significant international attention. Despite extensive efforts to locate him, Marsalek has successfully evaded capture by adopting a new identity.

Marsalek’s Role at Wirecard

As COO, Marsalek managed the entire operational company, including sales. Since 2015, he had been primarily responsible for Wirecard’s Asia and TPA businesses. His position allowed him to orchestrate fraudulent activities that ultimately led to the company’s downfall. Consequently, Marsalek is now believed to be hiding under a new identity.

The Crime and Financial Impact

According to Europol, Marsalek committed various crimes, including fraud, embezzlement, and economic crimes, using a new identity. The estimated value of these crimes reaches tens of billions of euros. Wirecard declared bankruptcy in June 2020 after years of falsifying financial statements. Notably, approximately 3 billion euros in escrow accounts in Asia vanished without a trace. Thus, Marsalek’s new identity has enabled him to travel and live secretly, likely in Eastern Europe.

Current Whereabouts

While Marsalek’s last known address was in Munich, recent investigations suggest he may be hiding overseas. Reports indicate his possible connections with the Russian GRU, raising speculation that he might be in Russia with a new identity. In 2020, the German newspaper “Handelsblatt” reported that Marsalek might be living near Moscow under GRU surveillance. Moreover, Europol continues to seek public assistance to locate Marsalek, who has assumed a new identity.

Marsalek’s Profile

Jan Marsalek is a 41-year-old Austrian, approximately 180 cm tall, with brown eyes. He is fluent in German, French, and English. According to German media, he could be living in Moscow, linked to “paramilitary mercenaries.” In 2021, Russia’s secret service reportedly alerted German authorities about his whereabouts. Consequently, Marsalek is believed to be residing in a “gated community” in Moscow, under the Russian Secret Service’s supervision, living under a new identity.

Possible Hiding Locations and Tactics

Russia and GRU Connections

Marsalek’s ties to the Russian GRU have fueled speculation that he may be hiding in Russia. Some reports suggest he could be living near Moscow, possibly in a high-security residence. His new identity likely provides him with a cloak of anonymity, making it difficult for authorities to pinpoint his exact location. Furthermore, the Russian GRU’s involvement indicates that Marsalek may have access to resources and protection beyond what is available to the average fugitive.

Eastern European Safe Houses

In addition to Russia, Marsalek may be utilizing safe houses in various Eastern European countries. These locations are often chosen for their less stringent surveillance and easier access to falsified documents. Therefore, Marsalek’s ability to change identities seamlessly allows him to move frequently, evading detection by international authorities.

Underground Networks

Marsalek’s connections with underground networks and paramilitary groups suggest he might be leveraging these relationships to maintain his new identity. Such networks provide forged documents, safe transportation routes, and secure hideouts, ensuring Marsalek’s continued evasion.

Authorities’ Search Efforts

International Cooperation

Authorities are utilizing international cooperation to track Marsalek. Interpol and Europol are working closely with national law enforcement agencies to gather intelligence and share information. This collaboration aims to uncover Marsalek’s movements and identify his new identity.

Advanced Surveillance Techniques

Law enforcement agencies are employing advanced surveillance techniques to locate Marsalek. These include electronic surveillance, financial transaction monitoring, and cyber investigations. By tracking Marsalek’s digital footprint, authorities hope to uncover clues about his new identity and whereabouts.

Public Appeals and Rewards

Europol has issued public appeals for information leading to Marsalek’s capture. Rewards are often offered to incentivize individuals to come forward with valuable tips. These public appeals aim to increase awareness and encourage the public to assist in locating Marsalek.

Specialized Task Forces

Specialized task forces have been established to focus exclusively on Marsalek’s case. These units combine expertise in financial crimes, cyber investigations, and fugitive tracking. Their goal is to systematically dismantle Marsalek’s network and uncover his new identity.

Legal Proceedings

The primary hearing against former Wirecard CEO Markus Braun, charged with fraud by German authorities, is set to begin in Munich Regional Court. Marsalek is considered Braun’s right-hand man. At its peak in 2018, Wirecard had a market capitalization of over 24 billion euros, surpassing Germany’s largest lender, Deutsche Bank. However, in June 2020, the company collapsed after admitting that 1.9 billion euros in assets likely did not exist. The scandal was deemed “unparalleled” in German history by then-finance minister Olaf Scholz, now the Chancellor.

Case Studies of Identity Change and Protection

Case Study 1: Interpol’s Pursuit of a New Identity

Marsalek’s case highlights the complexities of tracking individuals who undergo an identity change. Interpol’s efforts to locate him demonstrate the challenges law enforcement faces when dealing with sophisticated identity protection methods. Despite advanced technology and international cooperation, individuals like Marsalek can disappear legally and remain undetected for extended periods.

Case Study 2: Safe Disappearance Tactics

Marsalek’s ability to avoid capture underscores the effectiveness of safe disappearance strategies. By adopting a new identity, he has managed to evade authorities while continuing his activities. This case illustrates the importance of comprehensive new identity creation and protection measures for those seeking to disappear legally.

Enhanced Hiding Tactics

Digital Footprint Erasure

Marsalek likely employs advanced digital footprint erasure techniques to avoid detection. These methods include using encrypted communication channels, avoiding social media, and frequently changing devices. By minimizing his digital presence, Marsalek reduces the chances of authorities tracking his new identity.

Financial Maneuvers

Marsalek’s financial expertise enables him to use sophisticated financial maneuvers to fund his fugitive lifestyle. These tactics include using cryptocurrencies, offshore accounts, and shell companies to move and hide assets. By leveraging these financial tools, Marsalek ensures a steady flow of resources while maintaining his new identity.

Tactics Fugitives Use to Evade Capture

Frequent Relocation

Fugitives like Marsalek often relocate frequently to avoid detection. By constantly changing locations, they reduce the likelihood of being tracked. Each move is carefully planned, with new identities and documents prepared in advance.

Use of False Documents

Using false documents is a common tactic among fugitives. High-quality forgeries of passports, driver’s licenses, and other identification documents enable them to travel freely and conduct business under assumed identities. Therefore, Marsalek likely has access to such documents, facilitating his movements.

Trusted Networks and Safe Houses

Establishing a network of trusted associates and safe houses is crucial for long-term evasion. These networks provide support, resources, and safe places to stay. Marsalek’s connections with paramilitary groups and underground networks likely play a significant role in his ability to remain hidden.

Minimal Digital Footprint

Fugitives often minimize their digital footprint to avoid electronic surveillance. This includes avoiding social media, using encrypted communication tools, and frequently changing phones and computers. By reducing their online presence, they make it harder for authorities to track their movements.

Strategic Appearance Changes

Changing physical appearance is another tactic used by fugitives. This can involve altering hairstyles, using disguises, or even undergoing cosmetic surgery. Marsalek may have employed such measures to avoid recognition and enhance the effectiveness of his new identity.

International Impact of Marsalek’s Disappearance

Marsalek’s disappearance has had a significant impact on international financial markets and regulatory practices. His ability to evade capture using a new identity has prompted authorities to reassess identity protection measures and tighten regulations. Consequently, financial institutions are now more vigilant, implementing stricter due diligence processes to prevent similar cases of fraud and identity change.


Jan Marsalek’s story is a testament to the lengths individuals will go to avoid capture and prosecution. His use of a new identity and connections with powerful entities have allowed him to remain hidden. As authorities continue their search, Marsalek’s case serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges in the fight against financial crimes and identity fraud.

If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.