Creating a New Identity

by | Jul 15, 2022 | creating a new identity, New Identity | 1 comment

Creating a New Identity: The Complex Reality



In today’s interconnected world, identity goes far beyond just a name and a face.



It encompasses a web of documentation and digital footprints, making assuming a new identity a highly complex endeavor. Here, we delve into the multifaceted nature of identity, the challenges of creating a new one, and the potential pitfalls along the way.

The Fundamental Components of Identity

Name and Appearance

At the most basic level, your identity is tied to your name and appearance. Legally changing your name is straightforward: you can file an affidavit before a court to effect the change. Altering your appearance is also possible through plastic surgery. However, these changes only scratch the surface of creating a new identity.

Legal Documentation

Changing your name legally creates a link between your old and new identities. Getting a new passport that reflects your new name and appearance is possible if you have supporting government-issued identification. However, modern identity encompasses much more than just these superficial elements.

The Intricacies of Modern Identity

Social Security Number (SSN)

In the United States, your Social Security Number (SSN) is a critical component of your identity. It links all your past activities to you directly and legally cannot be changed. Your SSN is used in a myriad of records, from banking to employment, making it a crucial point of connection to your old identity.

Moving to a New Country

If you decide to move to a new country and renounce your U.S. citizenship, there will still be records that reference your previous identity. However, for outward purposes, you might appear to have created a new identity. This illusion of a new identity is often enough for practical purposes but does not erase your past entirely.

The “Easiest” Way to Create a New Identity

One of the more practical methods to create a new identity involves adopting the identity of a person who closely resembles you in race, ethnicity, and age, and who has no criminal record or significant public profile. This individual ideally should travel domestically, if at all, and not hold any existing security clearance.

Breeder Documentation

To establish this new identity, you will need to acquire breeder documents like library cards, car registrations, and medical insurance cards. These documents serve as foundational items that support your new identity, allowing you to build towards acquiring more substantial identification like a driver’s license or passport.

A Historical Example: James “Whitey” Bulger

James “Whitey” Bulger, the infamous Boston gangster, successfully evaded justice for over 16 years by creating multiple new identities. Bulger met several homeless men, paid them for their identification documents, and then blended these identities to cloak his real one. Using these borrowed identities, he was able to seek medical care, obtain prescriptions, and even purchase firearms at gun shows.

Bulger’s success in maintaining these identities was partly due to his careful selection of individuals whose identities he adopted. However, his downfall was inevitable due to his companion’s inflexible habits and a chance encounter with someone who recognized him.

The Dark Web and Creating a New Identity

The dark web is rife with offers to create new identities. In some countries, there are even open-air markets where vendors display examples of fake identity documents they can produce on demand, such as driver’s licenses, national identity cards, and passports.

Bangkok, Thailand: A Notorious Hub

Bangkok, Thailand, is one of the most notorious hubs for these illegal operations, producing impressively realistic fake documents. Despite their appearance, these documents are useless in practice.

The Futility of Fake Identities

Law Enforcement and Database Verification

No matter how convincing a forged driver’s license, government ID, or passport may appear, it cannot withstand scrutiny. Law enforcement officers and border control officials have instant access to databases that store legitimate identification information. When an ID is checked, the officer will enter the ID type, place of issuance, and ID number into the computer. Any mismatch or anomaly will be detected immediately.

Biometric Data

Most modern IDs are tied to biometric data, such as fingerprints or facial recognition. Even if you manage to acquire a perfect-looking fake ID, the biometric data linked to it will not match your own, leading to immediate detection of the forgery.

Purchasing a New Identity: A Futile Endeavor

While it is possible to buy a new, clean identity from various online sources, including the dark web, it is ultimately futile. Forgeries may look perfect but cannot create matching records in government databases. Without these records, the new identity cannot withstand scrutiny.

Realistic Alternatives

Legal Name Changes

For those looking to escape past mistakes without breaking the law, a legal name change is a viable option. This process involves submitting a petition to the court and, once approved, updating all your identification documents. While this does not erase your past, it provides a fresh start under a new name.

Relocating and Starting Fresh

Relocating to a new city or country where you are not known can also provide a fresh start. In some cases, countries offer residency or citizenship to individuals who make significant financial investments. This legal pathway provides a new identity through legitimate means.

Expert Assistance

Navigating the complexities of creating a new identity is fraught with legal and practical challenges. Consulting with experts who specialize in this field can provide invaluable guidance. Amicus International Consulting, for example, offers services to help individuals create new legal identities while ensuring compliance with relevant laws.

Detailed Steps to Creating a New Identity

Step 1: Choose a New Identity

Select an identity that matches your race, ethnicity, and age. Ensure this person has no criminal record, does not travel internationally, and lacks significant public visibility.

Step 2: Acquire Breeder Documents

Gather foundational documents such as library cards, car registrations, and medical insurance cards. These documents will support your new identity and are essential for obtaining more critical identification documents.

Step 3: Apply for Key Identification Documents

Using your breeder documents, apply for a Social Security card, driver’s license, and passport in your new name. Ensure all documents are sent to the same address to avoid suspicion.

Step 4: Maintain Consistency

Maintain a consistent backstory and documentation trail. Any discrepancies can raise red flags and lead to the exposure of your new identity.

Step 5: Relocate

Move to a new city or country where you are not known. This helps minimize the risk of being recognized or linked to your past identity.

Step 6: Digital Hygiene

Practice rigorous digital hygiene by minimizing your online presence and using secure communication methods. Avoid social media and online platforms that require personal information.

The Psychological Toll of a New Identity

Living under a new identity can be mentally exhausting. The constant need to remember details of your fabricated backstory and avoid revealing your true past can lead to significant stress and anxiety. Building new relationships is also challenging, as you must be careful about what personal information you share.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

Creating a new identity is fraught with ethical and legal dilemmas. While it may seem like a solution to escape past mistakes or dangerous situations, it often involves deception and potentially illegal activities. Legal name changes and relocations offer more ethical and sustainable solutions.


Creating a new identity is far more complex than simply changing your name and appearance. It involves navigating a web of legal documentation and digital footprints that tie you to your past. While it’s possible to create a new identity, the process is fraught with challenges and risks.

For those considering this path, understanding the complexities and potential pitfalls is crucial. Legal name changes and relocations offer more sustainable solutions for starting fresh. Consulting with experts like Amicus International Consulting can provide valuable guidance to ensure that any steps taken are legal and effective.

In the end, while the allure of a new identity is strong, the reality is that it’s a challenging and often impractical endeavor. The best approach is to seek legal and ethical ways to start anew, ensuring that the fresh start is built on a solid and legitimate foundation.