How to “live” with a New Identity

by | Aug 9, 2020 | Anonymous Living, New Identity, Second Passport | 6 comments

Could You Survive on the Run with a New Identity?

Could you pull it off if you had to go on the run with a new identity? How would you do it if you were wrongfully accused (or, perhaps, rightly accused) of a crime and wanted to avoid trial?

Given the vast number of government and private databases containing your data, the numerous ways you are tracked, and the countless cameras monitoring the planet, how do you survive with a new identity? Here, we explore the narrative of life on the run using a new identity through the eyes of a current fugitive.

The Story of “Jack Baker”

Last year, a man we’ll call “Jack Baker” was arrested and charged with a felony before disappearing with a new identity. We spoke with him to understand the challenges and strategies involved in evading capture.

The Accusation

“I was the office manager for a Maryland firm with a sizable procurement budget. We had a fun office environment: drinking beer, playing music trivia, flying quadcopters, and even gambling trips. However, everything changed when $54,000 went missing. The company discovered tens of thousands of dollars in purchase orders for equipment we didn’t have and never ordered. Consequently, the police arrived with two warrants: one to search my home and another to arrest me.”

The Decision to Run

“If convicted, I faced up to 25 years in prison. My lawyer explained the harsh realities of my situation: ‘You might beat it, but expect to be locked up for at least six months awaiting trial. Or we can negotiate a settlement for a lighter sentence.’ Instead, I chose a third option: running. I left a note for my wife, staged a ‘suicide’ plan, and disappeared.”

Creating a New Identity

The First Steps

“I learned how to obtain a ‘replacement’ Social Security card for someone who had died, matching my age and race. Then, I went to Georgia and Photoshopped the necessary documents to get a state ID. I didn’t apply for a passport—it would have taken too long. But with my new ID, I had everything I needed to function as someone completely different.”

The Bank Heist

“I was in North Carolina and decided to rob a bank. Searching online taught me tips like choosing a crowded time for anonymity. I handed the teller a note, got the cash, and left. Despite being caught on camera, I crossed the state boundary in minutes. The heist yielded $6,000, which I left for my wife as planned in my ‘suicide’ note.”

Life on the Run

Adapting to a New Life

“I bought burner phones and Visa gift cards, created a darknet email, and travelled to Atlanta. Staying in hotels and with kind strangers, I used a TOR browser to check Facebook and reconnected with an old girlfriend who helped me move to the Midwest. I even spent Thanksgiving with her before deciding to head to Mexico.”

Crossing into Mexico

“I crossed the border on foot; surprisingly, my new identity worked perfectly. Although I needed a ‘tourist card’ for longer stays, the border was lax near Juarez. Thanks to my online earnings and the low cost of living, I managed to live cheaply by bribing local police with small amounts of cash.”

Challenges and Realities

The Return to the US

“After months, I fell into a depression and decided to return to the US. Meeting a guide who helped me cross back over the border, I climbed a light pole and jumped over sensors. It was risky, but it worked. Returning to the US under my real identity, I blended into immigrant communities.”

The Importance of a New Identity

“Living as a fugitive is not glamorous. It requires abandoning everything familiar and starting anew. Staying under the radar by blending in and taking on menial jobs was crucial. However, the emotional toll of leaving my family behind was immense.”

Expert Advice on Evading Capture

Legal Preparation

  • Consult Legal Experts: Seek advice from professionals in international law and extradition. They can guide you on the best countries to consider and the legal processes involved.
  • Understand Local Laws: Familiarize yourself with the legal system of your chosen country. Each nation has its regulations that you must adhere to.

Financial Planning

  • Secure Funds: Ensure you have access to sufficient funds to support yourself. Living abroad can be expensive, and having a financial cushion is essential.
  • Cash Management: Use cash as much as possible to avoid creating digital trails. Be mindful of currency exchange rates and living costs in your chosen country.

Cultural and Social Adaptation

  • Learn the Language: Speaking the local language can significantly enhance your ability to integrate and avoid suspicion.
  • Understand Cultural Norms: Respect and adapt to local customs and traditions. This will help you blend in and reduce the risk of drawing attention.

Security Measures

  • Maintain a Low Profile: Avoid drawing attention to yourself. Live discreetly and avoid actions that could attract law enforcement or public scrutiny.
  • Secure Communication: Use secure, encrypted communication methods to stay in touch with trusted contacts. Avoid using social media or other platforms that can be easily monitored.

Escaping to Non-Extradition Countries

While fleeing to a country without a US extradition treaty can offer temporary respite, it is crucial to understand the practical and legal complexities involved. Here are some potential refugees:


Russia has no extradition treaty with the US, making it a potential haven for fugitives. However, the country’s strict surveillance and complex bureaucracy present significant challenges.


Iran’s antagonistic relationship with the US and lack of an extradition treaty can provide a refuge. Nevertheless, navigating its strict legal system and political instability requires careful consideration.


Cuba’s historical animosity towards the US makes it less likely to cooperate with extradition requests. Although living conditions can be challenging, Cuba offers some protection for fugitives.


Morocco’s lack of an extradition treaty provides a potential haven. The country’s rich culture and historical sites offer a unique living experience, but adapting to its legal system and customs is crucial.

Honorable Mentions: Countries with Complex Extradition Processes


Iceland has occasionally provided refuge for individuals like Bobby Fischer. Although it has an extradition treaty with the US, its strong stance on privacy and individual rights can complicate extradition processes.


France’s complex legal system and occasional reluctance to extradite have made it a refuge for fugitives like Roman Polanski. Each case is subject to political and legal considerations.


Switzerland’s history of neutrality and robust legal protections make it another potential refuge. Although it has an extradition treaty with the US, each case is handled with thorough legal scrutiny.

Practical Advice for Anonymous Travel

Here are additional detailed strategies to ensure your anonymous travel is as smooth as possible:

Financial Preparation

  • Cash Management: Use cash for all transactions to avoid creating digital trails. Withdraw large sums before your trip to avoid using ATMs abroad.
  • Travel Light: Avoid carrying too many valuables. Use a single credit card with minimal funds for emergencies.


  • Secondary Documents: You should have secondary identification documents, such as an international driver’s license and passport.
  • Backup Copies: Keep digital copies of your essential documents on a secure cloud service and a USB drive.

Cultural and Social Adaptation

  • Language Skills: Learn the basics of the local language to blend in more effectively. Language apps and phrasebooks can be helpful.
  • Cultural Awareness: Familiarize yourself with local customs and traditions to avoid standing out. Dress like the locals and follow social norms.

Security Measures

  • Secure Communication: Use encrypted communication apps like Signal or WhatsApp to contact trusted individuals. Avoid using unencrypted messaging services.
  • Online Presence: Minimize your online footprint. Avoid posting travel updates or using geolocation services on social media.

Conclusion: The Reality of Living as a Fugitive

Living as a fugitive with a new identity is complex and challenging. The story of “Jack Baker” highlights the difficulties and emotional toll of abandoning one’s life and starting anew. While creating a new identity and fleeing to a non-extradition country can offer temporary respite, the long-term implications and potential risks are significant.

Understanding the legal, financial, cultural, and security aspects of living as a fugitive is crucial. Professional guidance from organizations like Amicus International Consulting can provide the necessary support and expertise to navigate this complex journey.

Ultimately, while the allure of a fresh start in a foreign country is strong, the practicalities and ethical considerations of living as a fugitive require careful thought and planning.

Whether you’re seeking to protect your privacy or evade legal troubles, understanding the full scope of your journey is crucial for success. Trust Amicus International Consulting to guide you through this process safely and securely.