How to use your New Identity

by | Jan 12, 2022 | Anonymous Living, Anonymous Travel, New Identity | 1 comment

How to Use Your New Identity

Creating and using a new identity involves meticulous planning and execution. This guide will show you how to manage your new identity effectively, ensuring seamless identity change. Whether you’re aiming for identity protection, a legal disappearance, or a safe disappearance, the following steps will help you navigate this significant life change.

Starting from Scratch

When you adopt a new identity, you must be prepared to start over. You will have no credit history, employment history, or personal references. This lack of background can raise suspicions if anyone checks your employment or credit history. To mitigate this, begin by:

  • Building a new credit history: Use your new identity to open new bank accounts and credit cards. Start with secured credit cards and gradually build a positive credit score.
  • Establishing a new employment record: Find jobs that do not initially require extensive background checks. Freelance work or self-employment can be a good start.

Practice Makes Perfect

Introduce yourself consistently with your new name. Practice writing and speaking it to avoid slipping up and using your old name. Craft convincing stories about your family, personal history, and previous residences. This practice will help solidify your new identity.

Adopting New Mannerisms and Habits

Changing your mannerisms, dress, and behaviours is crucial for identity protection. You might develop a taste for different foods or take up new hobbies. Consider changing your hair colour, wearing coloured contact lenses, or switching to glasses. A new line of work can also aid in your transformation.

Moving Away

Relate far from friends, family, and former employers for a safe disappearance. Do not disclose your new name or location to anyone. Cutting off all contact reduces the risk of exposure.

Maintaining a Low Profile

Keep a low profile to avoid drawing attention to your new identity. Government and private agencies may have records of your identity change, and any legal issues could reveal your past. Avoid situations that might attract media attention or legal scrutiny.

The Reality of Identity Changes

In today’s digital age, living with a fake identity is not as far-fetched as it once was. The dark web has made it accessible for anyone seeking a new life to buy a brand-new identity. While this may seem viable, it is fraught with risks and legal issues.

Case Study: John Doe

John Doe, a former corporate executive, sought to disappear legally after uncovering a major scandal within his company. He used legal channels to change his identity, creating a new life in a distant city. He successfully maintained his new identity without raising suspicions by following the steps outlined above.

The Dark Web: A Cautionary Tale

Many new identity seekers turn to the dark web, primarily criminals and political or economic refugees fleeing violence or threats. The dark web provides access to counterfeit and stolen personal documents, such as passports, driving licenses, birth certificates, bank accounts, and educational documents. However, this approach is perilous.

The Costs and Risks

The cost of creating a new identity on the dark web varies. Still, it can include a new passport, driving license, birth certificate, educational certificate, financial profile, and even counterfeit money. Not all documents are of equal quality. Some are genuine and stolen from legitimate citizens, while others are entirely fabricated. The quality and authenticity of these documents can vary greatly, with many being fake and dangerous.

Legal Consequences

Using stolen or counterfeit documents can lead to severe legal consequences, including arrest and imprisonment. There are no quality assurance checks on the dark web, and buyers can easily be defrauded. The illegal nature of these activities further compounds the risks.

Choosing a Legal Path

Instead of risking arrest and imprisonment with counterfeit documents, consider legal alternatives. Amicus International Consulting can provide you with a complete and legal new identity. This service ensures that all documents are legitimate and reduces the risk of legal repercussions.

Famous Fugitives and Their Strategies

Throughout history, many fugitives have successfully avoided capture for years by adopting new identities. Understanding their strategies can provide valuable insights into effective identity change and protection.

Case Study: Frank Abagnale Jr.

Frank Abagnale Jr., famously portrayed in the movie “Catch Me If You Can,” used multiple identities to evade capture. Abagnale impersonated airline pilots, doctors, and lawyers, using counterfeit documents and charms to gain trust and access. His ability to convincingly adopt new roles and maintain a low profile allowed him to evade authorities for years.

Case Study: Whitey Bulger

James “Whitey” Bulger, the notorious Boston crime boss, evaded capture for 16 years. Bulger and his girlfriend used multiple fake identities and moved frequently to avoid detection. They lived a quiet life, avoiding any actions that might draw attention. Bulger’s ability to stay under the radar was key to his long-term evasion.

Case Study: El Chapo

Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, the infamous Mexican drug lord, used a network of tunnels and safe houses to avoid capture. Guzmán also employed plastic surgery and fake identities to remain hidden. His extensive resources and meticulous planning helped him evade law enforcement for years.

Lessons from Fugitives

These case studies highlight several critical strategies for successful identity change and protection:

  • Consistency: Regularly using your new identity and avoiding slip-ups is crucial.
  • Adaptability: Adapting to new environments and roles quickly helps maintain your cover.
  • Low Profile: Avoiding attention and living quietly can prevent detection.
  • Resources: Access to resources for frequent moves and new documents increases your chances of remaining undetected.

More Strategies for Successful Identity Change

Digital Footprint Management

Managing your digital footprint is essential for identity protection. Avoid using social media or any online platforms linked to your old identity. Create new accounts with your new identity, and be mindful of the information you share online. Use VPNs and privacy-focused tools to mask your digital activities.

Legal Support

Securing legal support during your identity change process can provide additional protection. Legal professionals can help navigate the complexities of identity change laws and ensure that all necessary documents and procedures are handled correctly.

Psychological Preparation

Changing your identity is not just a physical and logistical challenge; it’s also a psychological one. Be prepared for the emotional and mental adjustments required to live as someone else. Consider seeking counselling or support groups for individuals undergoing similar experiences.

Continuous Monitoring

Monitor your new identity regularly to ensure its security. Check your credit report, public records, and any other relevant documents to detect anomalies. This proactive approach can help prevent potential threats to your new identity.


Changing your identity is a complex and challenging process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create and maintain a new identity safely and legally. Avoid the pitfalls of the dark web and opt for legitimate services to ensure your new identity is secure and sustainable.

For more information on managing your new identity, contact Amicus International Consulting. We specialize in identity protection, identity change, and new identity creation, helping you disappear legally and safely.

If you would like to work with a professional team that can help make your transition to a life of freedom, contact Amicus Int. for New Identity services today.